Recently, there are a lot of "apache" processes hogging my Cpanel server with the default owner "nobody". How could I track the apache process back to which user is using it?
[warn] RewriteCond: NoCase option for non-regex pattern '-f' is not supported and will be ignored. [warn] RewriteCond: NoCase option for non-regex pattern '-d' is not supported and will be ignored.
I have a CentOS box here that is causing some strange load. Brand new X3230 (4*2.66Ghz), 2GB ram and 2*500GB SATA2 in raid-1 on a LSI MegaIDE controller.
Basically the server is continuesly at a load of 1. However I dont see why. No CPU load, and no IO as far as I can see. Does anybody have a tip where to look for the problem?
/dev/sda: Timing cached reads: 16092 MB in 2.00 seconds = 8057.39 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 88 MB in 3.04 seconds = 28.92 MB/sec
With the WHT benchmark test the machine scores about 520 points, seems not bad either.
Only thing I could think of is that it has something to do with the raidcard. The data transfer rate is quite low. Could it be that the card is rebuilding the array? Can I check that without rebooting?
Now there are quite a few index2.php's located on my server so I can not figure out who is running this. When I run ps ax -o pid,user,rss,command|grep httpd I get about 20-30 of these: 13808 nobody 17360 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL
how I can figure out where this script is being run from?
Does anyone knows if ubercart has embended affiliate tracking capabilities? Do you know if any other open source e-shop has this feature? Could you suggest something you know from experience or heard of?
software for tracking the bandwidth usage on servers? It would be nice if there is one that has a web interface and the ability to add multiple different servers for tracking. Looking for something that runs on Linux (CentOS in particular).
We have received the complain from paypal that one of the domains were phishing. How to track it down? How to find out the method that how they uploaded? I checked /tmp file and couldn't find anything. I check access_log file for wget and couldnt find anyting.
I just finished an information website and my corporation is now asking if there's a way to track the most popular pages on the site. Is there a way to do this with a pre-built function in MySQL or will we need to build a module? I have no experience working with MySQL or ASP.NET; as a purely client-side designer I want to be able to help but I'm at my limit.
My question is, are the visitors a day accurate - which I take to be uniques. It seems these must be pretty far off.
Presently they show an extremely high multiple of that for pages/s (approx 30 -50 times the visitors). I've never heard of visitors clicking this many pages.
I've not come across these kind of number with other non-mobile sites and it makes wonder if its right.
A) is tracking handled in the same way on mobile devices as on desktops (cookies or sessions?) And is this reliable for mobile/handheld/cell-phone devices?
B) There really isn't much of a chance of these page views being a result of bookmarks - the page views don't seem to add up to this.
The 'Browser Top 10' hits coming from 'unknown' are > 50% of the total amount.
Are there any quirks with awstats or other tracking software when it comes to mobile devices, even though the activity is taking place on the server? I take it Urchin may be more accurate?
My company is just getting into web hosting. We currently have 10-15 sites that we are hosting. What do you guys use to keep track of all the details for the site (location, company info, etc). We're using a homegrown filemaker database atm, but we don't want to continue using this when we get 50+ sites. It doesn't matter if its web-based or a standalone program.
We need to add visitor tracking code to the Control panel so we know who's using it and we can prompt inline chat etc. for support, but where to start.
The code is a mixture of Div tags and Java script.
How we can add this as there is no common footer file to drop the code in to.
I'd like to put up here a base question which I hope some will have the goodwill to answer even though it might touch some business secrecies.
We're a gameserver hoster since around ten years, running also vserver products since over two years now. Renting a few Racks in Europe since some time we're a bit in a question mark how rootserver companies deal with the initial hardware costs for every new customer.
Rackspace and today specially power costs are huge cash eaters here in Europe. Dedicated Rootservers are huge space & power consumers per customer ratio. The initial Hw costs for every new rootserver customer might be covered after 4-6 months (if the machine has to be bought newly), adding the bandwidth and power costs it might take up to 8-9 months until a benefit might come in.
Is this the business normality in the rootserver market (waiting 9 months for any benefit, or counting only on the benefit of the 2nd customer using the older Hw), or are the better ways to handle those "initial" costs or keep them affordably low?
In My server i Can see lotz of /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL Process also some time it lead to crash of my server,is this caused to improper httpd.con file iam have 200-250 online users here i will give my apachi cofig file
Top Process %CPU 98.9 ./dialog --clear --backtitle Zend Optimizer Installation --title Zend Optimizer 3.2.2 --msgbox ?Welcome to the Zend Optimizer 3.2.2 Installation!??For more information regarding this procedure, please see the?Zend Optimizer Installation Guide.? 0 0
Top Process %CPU 98.8 ./dialog --clear --backtitle Zend Optimizer Installation --title Zend Optimizer 3.2.2 --msgbox ?Welcome to the Zend Optimizer 3.2.2 Installation!??For more information regarding this procedure, please see the?Zend Optimizer Installation Guide.? 0 0
My hosting company is telling me that I have getting frozen processes on my VPS that is causing apache to stop responding.
My VPS is CentOS, with 512 megs of memory and my website is a Vbulletin forum. I have several add-ons installed on vbulletin, and if one of those are causing the problem, how do I figure it out?
When http stops responding, I can access the server with putty on ssh. Running the "top" command, it shows that I still have 100+ megs of memory free and the processor is barely being used.
This has happened twice in just 2 - 3 days. This morning, I asked my hosting company what can be causing this, but no answer so far.
CentOS 4.5 final Apache 2.0.59 php 4.3.11 MySQL 4.1.20
I have a user who has been importing large sql databases and this causes the cpu to run at 80% - 90% this in turn causes high loads and sometimes causing the server to crash.
Is there a way to automatically limit or control how much the process can use or stop the process to allow the server to recover.
Just trying to put some sort of safe guard in place
Code: PID USER PRI NI SIZE RSS SHARE STAT %CPU %MEM TIME CPU COMMAND 9488 nobody 25 0 1612 1280 1108 S 21.1 0.2 619:37 1 perl bodyb3 0 5000 I also ran netstat -n and found this: Code: udp 15184 0 ESTABLISHED