Outages Are Everyday. How To Talk With Such Hoster?

Aug 7, 2008

I have a problem with hoster. Purchased virtual hosting. All worked fine for more than a year. I did not make any changes in websites recently. Last several days one issue appears constantly: website starts downloading very slowly (30-60 sec for 20 kb page, or connection timeout). And each day their tech support don't realy want to help me. Only after 3-4 emails they fix the problem, but on the next day the problem arises again. I suppose they just ignore my problem. Possibly server is overloaded by other sites, or software was not tuned correctly, or something like that, and hoster does not want to solve the problem.

What can I do with this hoster?

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Hardware Talk: Server MB Vs Desktop MB

May 29, 2007

What is the advantages of using a Server MB over Desktop MB? Letz compare Intel Entry Board S3000AH with Intel P4D 3.0 with Intel Desktop Board with P4D 3.0. Both will be using DDR2 desktop RAMs.

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Talk About Dedicated Unmetered 10mbit - Made My Server Scream

May 27, 2008

I always thought that 10 mbit unmetered was just a prank or not really dedicated to the server. But damn the server i got from www.kevworks.net totally screamed when doing some real bw tests.

Might try more tests to see if server performs and can provide the bw juice for me.

These are the stats from mrtg i got going :

Max Average Current
In 9853.9 kb/s (98.5%) 311.2 kb/s (3.1%) 4805.5 kb/s (48.1%)
Out 9553.6 kb/s (95.5%) 849.0 kb/s (8.5%) 9553.6 kb/s (95.5%)

Well cannot really post link to the mrtg as wht mods will go "aah bunny no url posting to ur site " crazy !!

So look at the screenie itself

Amazing i was actually able to pull 10mbit/s out of the server. So good work to you Kevin (kev not sure what his name is or am too tired to remember ).

PS: will be doing more bw tests over the next weeks or over the entire month, i am trying to somehow use full 3.3 TB bw over the month. (doing mirrors for distros and other linux stuff can really push the limits at times) Wondering if anyone know of places to get some beta testers to test the server's bw limits (act as mirror for your game maps, linux distros, rpm packages and w/e comes free to download)

Hopefully server wont be shut down cause bunny used the full bw potential ( i have heard horror stories of providers capping servers further and stuff when customers starts pulling too much bw (maybe cause they put server on shared bw or something).

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Anyone Here With Volumedrive Having Outages Recently

Jul 28, 2008

2nd time now server within 24hrs is down, not sure whats happening. Anyone with volumedrive facing same issues, or i am just being unlucky.

Am still awaiting a thorough reply to last nights downtime. If its server issue i need to know and fix it, but if its network issue, i still need to know to decide accordingly the best route. But am right now in a dark and does not help me much !

Sorry had to ask this publicly but its not VD thats losing money its me.

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Dedicated Server Outages

Sep 6, 2007

i'm getting really annoyed - my dedicated server goes completely down on a daily basis. sometimes its 1-2 hours before the data centre responds, and this is costing me some mega uptime, as you can imagine. it's gone down daily in the past 3 days.

i have complained to the data center, and they're blaming it on load. i installed munin some time back to see whether there are any big spikes of anything.

check out the munin output at:

you can see the last two outages there, in under 24 hours even. nothing abnormal - memory usage is ok, cpu / load is fine. number of connections is fine. absolutely nothing to indicate why the server would completely shut down - completely disappear.

server does not ping, let alone serve anything. on top of all this, the server goes down instantly, as though the power switch is hit. there is no gradual outage with individual services crashing or memory errors. it just goes <click> bang!

finally: my data center keeps saying this is an issue with my RAM. i've just moved from a VPS with 25% of the ram i have on this machine which would work without any errors at all. out of the 2gb ram on this machine i always see quite a bit free when i check top output, and on top of all this the cache isn't even used! Current machine is a dual AMD 64 with 2gb of RAM.

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Deal With Outages On Shared Host

Mar 24, 2009

I run and maintain many websites on a shared server (ICDSoft)

While I am extremely happy with their service and support, the outages are still a problem when they happen. Especially for the e-commerce customers.

They are beginning to ask what do we do in this situation? Generally I reply, there is nothing to do but wait in this situation.

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Softlayer Two Power Outages In One Week

Oct 4, 2009

Seems only one of their server rooms has this issue,

but it happens twice in one week......

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How To Become Web Hoster

Nov 24, 2007

How to become web hoster?

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Hoster Who Does Not Comply With DMCA

Apr 25, 2009

my host freaked up when getting a letter from a company about DMCA, and quickly shut my site down.

Does anyone know of a dedicated server hoster who does not jump the gun and shut down sites from a little Cease and Desist letter for around 299 EUR a month?

The site gets roughly in the thousands of hits per day.

(Off-shore hosting is fine too)

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A Great Hoster : VPSLAND.com

Sep 21, 2008

I was searching a few days ago for a good vps hosting. When I found out VPSLAND.COM, I was very surprised. Their prices are the cheapest on the net and, I thinked it was an hoax. So I did a bit of search on the net, and I found many negatives comments on them. But, I decided I try them anyway and buy a Windows VPS... and I think it was the good option !

The "supposed" downtimes and "non-replying support team" are totaly fictive. You want service, then, you get it with VPSLAND.COM. They offer great VPS plans at a price you will never see at other webhosters. And, since 3 days, no downtime.

I would like to hear people's stories about VPSLAND.COM if anyone haves.

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Best Server Hoster In United Kingdom

May 2, 2008

What is the best and most secure hoster to colo my server in UK?

its for game servers.

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Everyday Downtime At 12pm

Aug 12, 2008

Our linux server downe for 1 hour at 12pm

How can check why its down everyday at 12pm?

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Disk Used Of VPS Increase Everyday

Oct 21, 2008

I use a VPS with CentOS and LX-Admin. My VPS run only 1 forum phpbb3.0.2 and nothing else.

3 days ago, disk used was 2.6GB, yesterday disk used was 2.7BG and to day disk used is 2.8GB ...

I wonder why disk used of my VPS increase everyday? It's may be because of cache and log? How to clean unnecessary cache and log?

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Script (php / MySQL) Friendly Hoster That Uses Cpanel

Jun 6, 2008

I suspect people asking about tips on good hosters all the time here, and I'm no different.

But I can start off with the basic req. that might narrow it a tad atleast.

- - - - - - -
1 : Cpanel;

This is the first basic req. I have.
I myself are not the most skilled coder in the world, nor is the others around me and we like Cpanel since it "saves" us from confusion very often.
- - - - - - -

2 : Script php / mySQL friendly;
We use CMS scripts (MXP, Joomla, e107, etc) for our communities and forum scripts (phpbb, vBulletin, etc) at all times. So a good loading time is a must, nothing is as devestating for a communitie than a slooow forum.
- - - - - - -

3 : And the regular ;
BIG and cheap. We just doing noncommercial / fun / silly projects / communities so it needs to be cheap and with a good size. Have some photographers + communities with albums and that eats up a good chunk of webspace after awhile.
- - - - - - - -

We greatly appriciate any tips on hosters that covers this. Support don't have to superfast, we pretty relaxed when it comes to that, but the other reqs. is needed.

If you know or even better USE a hoster like this please let us know. We badly need one at the moment. We would be very happy if you could post or PM us a link/s to your or other sites you know of that is active and uses scripts like;

CMS systems

So we can check the loadingtime over here in Sweden.

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Windows Hostin(Had Very Bad Expernc Wid Past Hoster)

Apr 23, 2007

Space required:200MB-1GB
Bandwidth: 2GB-5GB
MS SQL 2000/2005.
POP3 etc..
Budget: upto 10$/mnth

Need reliable hosting service..
I hd very bad experience with my past two hosters..
Indyahozting and Viscus Infotech..

so wanna go with some reliable n 99.9% uptime n Moneyback guarnty..

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High Loads At Exactly The Same Time Everyday

Apr 30, 2009

has anyone else noticed an unusually high load occurring from 9 till 11 EEST time on their servers?

I've been getting high loads everyday this week at exactly these times.

I'm thinking that this is a crawler/bot that is causing the loads, i've already installed dos deflate and there hasn't been more than 100 connections from the same ip, so I'm ruling out any DOS attack ... besides, what kind of attack only takes place for 2 hours a day at exactly the same time?

I'm on a cpanel system and would like to know which logs to take a look at to determine the cause.

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High Load Everyday On The Midnight

Aug 26, 2007

I have a dedicated server with many websites on it. The problem is that I got very high load every day in the midnight I checked all "my" crontab and they are all fine. I even stopped them but nothing changed. My backup time is not the midnight, it's about 6 AM.

I tried everything I could but everything still like before high load every night.

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Hypertown RedHat RHEL 5.2 Server Has Been Going Down Everyday

Jul 13, 2008

For the past two weeks, our Hypertown RedHat RHEL 5.2 server has been going down everyday because of a wierd Kernel Panic problem.

Attached you can see what was displayed on the console at the time of the panic. This is what SoftLayer tech. support team was able to obtain from the console.

We are not using Samba or NFS-based applications.

Here is the server's info:

[kaware3@rannatweb ~]$ uname -a
Linux rannatweb.com 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Jun 20 02:51:01 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
[kaware3@rannatweb ~]$ free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 16632176 3244660 13387516 0 234480 1934632
-/+ buffers/cache: 1075548 15556628
Swap: 2096472 0 2096472
[kaware3@rannatweb ~]$ more /etc/fstab
LABEL=/1 / ext3 defaults 1 1
LABEL=/var1 /var ext3 defaults 1 2
LABEL=/boot1 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
LABEL=SWAP-sda3 swap swap pri=0,defaults 0 0
/dev/sdb1 /disk1 ext3 defaults 0 0
/dev/sdc1 /disk2 ext3 defaults 0 0
/dev/sdd1 /disk3 ext3 defaults 0 0
[kaware3@rannatweb ~]$ iostat
Linux 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5PAE (rannatweb.com) 07/13/2008

avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
3.78 0.00 4.41 9.02 0.00 82.79

Device: tps Blk_read/s Blk_wrtn/s Blk_read Blk_wrtn
sda 90.93 1784.24 1401.45 2073549 1628690
sdb 156.49 1567.09 179.30 1821188 208368
sdc 47.39 443.82 565.21 515787 656864
sdd 0.06 0.88 0.01 1019 8

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Dedicated Hoster Incl. Good Mailserver & Global Connection

Apr 7, 2009

I am currently with a smaller US-provider where I am running a dedicated gentoo server with a dozen domains (all small stuff, mostly sme/private websites) and 2 dozen email accounts.

The nice thing about the current provider is that he lets me run sub-accounts where the holders of those accounts have their own billing. I let them run a domain/website on my server since its no extra cost for them, but they pay for the domain and extra email space for example w/o me having to care for it. They basically offer a minimum package and add every single thing on top of it, which I like since I do not need any webpage builders, templates whatever else. I rather only pay what I take.

Basically I am happy except for the connection speed, specially for the email. I am in Asia and other people using this server from Europe, and the time it takes to connect, up/download data to the server and to download larger emails is simply out of the normal.

any recommendations there? I am currently paying 75 USD/Mo + domain names. I think this is also a bit on the high side given that the server hardware is a bit out of date by now.

I am looking at the minimum to relocate only the email hosting to some faster service, which would have to have a reasonable storage size (>= gmail) with POP/IMAP access and of course to use my own domain names.

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Exim In Cpanel :: 2000 Mails In Queue Everyday

Jun 12, 2008

We have running exim mail service in cpanel web server. Exim consumed some CPU% memory and lots of threads are opening. More than 2000 mails in queue everyday. How can we optimize the exim mail service?

top - 06:33:12 up 23:12, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.08, 0.08

4777 mailnull 15 0 1 0:00.02 0.2 9324 3936 2680 S exim
1809 mailnull 16 0 0 0:00.09 0.1 8192 1156 808 S exim
1815 mailnull 24 0 0 0:00.00 0.1 8428 1100 764 S exim
4779 mailnull 16 0 0 0:00.00 0.0 8200 684 336 S exim

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