Moving A E-mail Account To Another Server

Dec 11, 2007

I want to migrate a customer from his current host to a new one. The website is the easy part, site migrations are not a problem for me.

The hard part is the email. I can re-create the account, but what about the messages stored in the old server? How do I move them? How do I get all the stuff and copy it into a shared account controlled by CPanel? I think the other server uses Plesk, which uses to be a pain in the ***.

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Upload Error After Account Moving

Jul 23, 2008

I have just moved hosting script account from one server to another server and now when I try uploading an image, I am getting the following error

Warning: move_uploaded_file(./uploads/8e90ced776.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/imgrip/public_html/upload.php on line 29

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpDmsMkq' to './uploads/8e90ced776.jpg' in /home/imgrip/public_html/upload.php on line 29

Anyone would be kind enough to let us know how to fix the error?

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Moving Main Account CPanel/WHM

Feb 21, 2007

I have several sites under a cPanel/WHM reseller account. I want to move the biggest site under this account to another host. This site is the main site for the reseller account. The user name associated with it is my account name with the host, and all the other sites on that account are shown in WHM to be owned by it.

After I have the site running on the new host, I want to delete it from the old one. How can I do this whilst still retaining access to WHM which is only accessible through the cPanel of this site?

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Moving From A Shared Hosting Account To A VPS.

Jun 5, 2007

I currently use a HostGator shared plan which caps off database connections at 25. HG support said my only choice is to move to a dedicated server which means my monthly hosting cost jumps from $14.95 to $174.00! Something I'm not too excited about paying.

Can anyone offer any suggestions on Virtual Private Servers running *nix? Would a VPS be a good alternative to an expensive HG dedicated server or do you recommend I just suck it up and go dedicated? I just can't believe how much they want considering I've seen some VPS for under $100. If I did go with a VPS, would there be an easy way to move all my files, databases, SSL certs, etc to the new server?

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Disable Mail Per Account Package On A CPanel Server

Mar 30, 2009

if it's possible to disable the ability to send email for accounts using a certain package in cPanel? I tried searching, I didn't find anything really relevant. Would it be possible to maybe create a rule, or script to add a rule to each account using a package to just block that username or account from sending email?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: Adding Account To Thunderbird - Mail Server Doesn't Use Encryption

Jul 22, 2015

I have a problem while i'm trying to add a mail account to Thunderbird

I see the problem that Mail server doesn't use encryption !!!

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Moving Hosting And The Mail

Apr 18, 2008

We have a business website that is currently hosted on Windows. There is one of those generic control panels and we are now moving to Linux hosting also with a generic control panel.

All the staff has email and large email boxes. How can we move the mail from the old Windows host to the new Linux host. Both setups have dedicated IP's and yes they are on SHARED HOSTING so the tricks to change the email would be limited.

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Moving Mail Servers.

Jan 31, 2007

how to go about switching mail servers. is used as the MX record and is where users point their mail clients for POP/IMAP access. I'm obviously going to be relocating the record to a new IP.

My questions are:

In the interim period, can I have exim 'redirect' POP/IMAP connections to the new IP (for users), and can I have exim relay/forward (not sure on the term in this case) mail received from old DNS caches to the new mailserver IP?

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Moving Servers: No E-mail Loss

May 30, 2007

I am moving a couple clients over to my server tonight, but I wanted to make sure I took steps that they don't miss any e-mail that might be sent. It is my understanding that say the switch happens tonight at midnight. Any e-mails they did not download from the old server will be stuck on there correct? Because they would come in the next morning and hit outlook and download just from the new server?

Is there a set protocol for doing this move with minimal client hic-ups?

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Moving Mail That Hasn't Been Received Between Hosts

Feb 5, 2008

I'm in the process of moving some websites between hosts... from Dreamhost to a VPS.

Basically I want to make sure that no emails get lost in the transfer, as it's possible some people haven't collected their emails. I'm only talking about 5 or 6 sites here with about 15 mailboxes in total.

I have pop3 set up on the VPS with exim4 and courier using Maildir's. I have imap/pop3 access to emails on dreamhost and all my clients only use pop3.

Dreamhost doesn't provide direct access to the Maildir's of users, so I was planning on using offlineimap to save a copy of each mailbox and move it into the Maildir of the user on the VPS. I.e. move the contents of INBOX/new into user/Maildir/new etc. I'll do this once the dns settings have propogated so I can be sure to have every single email.

Does this sound reasonable? Is anything likely to break? Will any email clients break with any of these transferred emails? I tried it with a test account and it seemed OK, but I would like an experts opinion on whether or not this is the best way of achieving what I'm trying to do

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