Is It Ok To Set Up 3 Ip Addresses In The Registrar

Apr 6, 2009

Is it ok to set up 3 ips in the registrar?

I have got 4ips from my new host
wanted one to b un-altered, the main IP

got 3 ips, set 2 ips as usual to the registrar for nameserver
is it ok to set the 3rd ip too into nameserver? I don't have any ssl or anything to b used for.

Can we use 3 nameservers , ns1,ns2,ns3?

Is it safe and what changes does this happen?

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More Registrar DNS

Apr 2, 2009

I've moved several .uk domains from 1and1 due to their limited DNS service.
I'm now using 123-reg, everything is going fine apart from the domains wont resolve without www (custom dns). The servers config is fine as other domains are resolving correctly including .uk. If I use my nameservers the domain also resolves correctly, just custom DNS I seem to be having problems with.

I've currently got the following setup at the registrars end:
www A myip
* A myip
ftp A myip

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Having Our Company Name As The Registrar

Oct 15, 2008

Ive done a few whois searches on some of our competitors websites. In the registrar details it has our competitors name as the Registrar and as the nameservers. How can we do this? so for example if someone did a whois on our clients websites, they would see something like this:

OurCompany Ltd [Tag = OurCompany]

Name servers:

Do we need our own nameservers and dedicated server? We've just bought an account with openSRS so we buy our domains through them (if that makes a difference).

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May 26, 2008

When I host my domain ►am I forced to use the Host as my Registrar . . . or can I keep (Godaddy, Network Solutions, etc.) as my Registrar?

One other question . . .

Suppose I am using the Free Email address provided by (in this case Godaddy) with my domain. ►Will I still be able to use the Godaddy-managed email address?or will that vanish and have to be reestablished with the new host?

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Different Host And Domain Registrar

Jun 11, 2009

1.Can I buy Domain Name from one provider and Hosting from a different provider.

2.How can I Link my Domain Name and HostedData?

My Domain Name Provider :

Hosting Provider 3Essentials

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Reselling From And Whois Registrar

Oct 19, 2009

A lot of the web hosts I Come across are resellers. This is understandable, but is it possible to find out who they are reselling for? Also, is it possible find out who the registrar of a domain is? I know of whois, but it doesn't seem to tell me the original host/registrar.

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Transferring Domain To Another Registrar

Oct 8, 2009

is there any downtime when one transfers their domain name to another registrar? If so what is the approximate downtime?

If there is a downtime, is there anyway to avoid this?

View 1 Replies View Related As A Domain Registrar?

Jan 8, 2008

What do you think of as a domain registrar? Has anybody tried them? I mean reged domain with them?

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Should Domain Registrar And Host Be The Same

Sep 8, 2008

The more I read and research the more confused I get. Issue: Business #1 hosted on local ISP, no pressing need to move it. Business #2 started out selling (not ecommerce) a couple items related to business #1 so I created pages for them on B1 site. B1 is no longer active, B2 now has a lot of items for sale and needs to get it’s own site, eventually ecommerce, but not right away (not a lot of time right now). I own the name for B2 parked at Network Solutions & it’s up for renewal (in a few days). I can move the domain register & get a website on one of the bigger hosting sites for about the same cost as I’m now paying for a private registration at NS. Is it stupid to pay for private since the contact info is plastered all over the website anyway? Most of these hosts offer a free domain registration. Then I read that it’s better to have your domain registered somewhere other than the site host in case there is a dispute.

I’m thinking—move registration to GoDaddy now. Keep researching hosts. If I (ever) decide on one that offers free registration I can get another name to park on the main domain that is reg’ed with GoD? Or would the free domain automatically be considered the main domain at host where I’d have 1 c panel & add-ons?

I need to make sure I can add ecommerce to the site in the future.

I created the original site in Front Page 97 which is of course no longer supported, I no longer even have a fully working version that I can find since I upgraded to XP, but I have a front page editor & Cute FTP to update the B1 site. So I’m in the market for another simple site builder, I don’t write code. I also have a dial-up connection only, so I don’t think an on-line builder is a good option.

Oh, and I’m on a tight budget but not looking for a free hosting “service”. $10/ month maybe?

I didn’t even know anything about CPanels and add ons and sub domains until a couple days ago. Info overload,

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European Domain Registrar

Feb 6, 2008

Can't get - is a free extension? hasn't specify any price on this domain zone.

But why? It can't be free of charge, right?

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Add Domain Registrar In WHMCS

Jan 25, 2007

how to add a domain registrar into WHMCS? I am trying to add ResellOne.Net...

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Host- Registrar- Config

Feb 8, 2007

Here's my situation. I'm a designer/programmer. I have a reseller account with a hosting business that has plenty of good reviews here. I've been VERY happy with them for about a year.

I don't offer hosting, but i do sell hosting to clients who pay me for site design or programming. I host about 10 clients right now.

About a month ago, some of the client sites started going down, while other sites on my account had no issues. It seems random, with very little consistency.

I payed more attention and realized that some of the sites were going down for hours at a time, at random times. Not all of the sites on my reseller were affected, but there were at least 5.

My first support tickets relating to the random down times were shrugged off by the host, but after some nagging they told me that my dns zones were misconfigured (something about stealth nameservers). It was odd that every site worked fine for the last year and just NOW started having problems - but they're the experts.

My nameserver issues:
some sites were pointing to ns1/
some were pointing to noc1/
others were pointing to dns1/

I had these nameservers set up in godaddy (my registrar). They've been like that for a year with no issues.

Thinking i'd fix them, i changed all the domains to point to ns1/
I also used WHM and edited the dns zones for those accounts and made sure they all had the same nameservers.

Its been a couple weeks since i've fixed everything, and sites are STILL having issues.
My host insists that its a godaddy issue, but I can't understand how some sites work and some don't (when they have the same nameservers and IP)

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Registrar's Domain Name Server Service For My VPS?

Dec 8, 2006

I'm wondering is it possible to use RegisterFly's DNS server for my VPS. I only have 1 website on the VPS, but I want to increase the reliability of my site overall and thought if it were possible to give the DNS operations to my Registrar, who probabily really does have seperate DNS servers, this would be a good move. Since it would allow me to disable BIND (freeing up resources/memory), and put the DNS operations to quite possibly a more reliable set of servers (since my 2 DNS servers are actually just my 1 VPS)

What are the Pros/Cons of this type of arrangement?

So I need to know, can it technically be done, and what zones entries I need to create.

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Page 2 - European Domain Registrar

Mar 18, 2008

Can you guess what are the most looked-after domains during the landrush period? and, no wonder

And naturally is a leading registrar for .asia domains.

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How To Transfer A Domain After Registrar Disappears

Dec 27, 2008

I've had a page hosted on for about 4 years now, they were fairly cheap and the service was decent. Now they seem to have vanished entirely and I'm looking to transfer my domain to another host, but I used pagesgarden as the registrar also so I'm not entirely sure of what I should do to reclaim my domain name.

What is the process for transferring a domain name after the registrar vanishes?

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What Is Your Best Reseller Host And Domain Registrar

Jun 16, 2008

I'm interested in maybe moving all my reseller hosting and domain registration from United Hosting and Low Cost Names respectively... So I'm interested in hearing what you are using and why... I'm a freelancer who resells space, I live in the UK and am wanting the best companies to work it for me and my clients...

A few reasons why I want to change right now is that United Hosting just doesn't offer enough space for me, and I'm finding it more and more expensive for the value I'm getting. Though they are good as they allow me to edit php.ini files, have ImageMagick, and offer webmail to my clients etc. I do like Low Cost Names, but again I'm finding the lack of CNAME records a little disappointing.

So... what are your best reseller host and domain registrator to you and why?

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What Do I Insert Under DNS In My Registrar's Domain Options

Mar 8, 2007

I was able to finally set up a dedicated server, and now I'm finallly off to the easier stuff.

Two quick questions:

1) How do I make it so my domain name takes me to my server's address? You know, just like how shared hosts give you the nice little DNS addresses that make everything magically work.

I could just forward the domain to my server's IP, though that would not display the domain name in every page, the way it's supposed to be.

2) When I visit my server's IP, it gives me the apache welcome screen saying everything was successfully installed. That page is locaed under /var/www/apache2-default. I find that "var" directory a bit strange, is it supposed to be there? And more importantly, when I add the real stuff I want on my site, should it all go under the "apache2-default" directory? It seems to be set as the default home page dir, right?

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Setup Nameserver - 1and1 VPS + Netfirms Registrar

Nov 18, 2008

I am wondering how to set up a nameserver on my new VPS with 1and1.

I have all my domains hosted on netfirms.

This is what I have done, but doesnt seem to be working:

i have a domain ex: on netfirms and i created an A Record that is that points to the ip of the VPS ex:

I have also created an I did this through the netfirms control panel

Is there anything else i need to do?

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Mail Server Of Web Host Or Domain Registrar

May 17, 2008

As good practice is to keep domain registrar to be different from web host. So mail server should be kept of web host or domain registrar?

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Reliable Hosting And An Honest Registrar -Outside- Of The United States

Jun 24, 2008

I am pretty tired of the constant interference and harassment from competitors that is almost encouraged by rediculous US laws.

I would love to find reliable hosting and a honest registrar outside of the United States/Canada/EU.

My needs are somewhat simple - I have my own server at the Planet right now but a reliable (not oversold) VPS would suit me just fine.

Price is not a huge issue providing the fees are justified by the services received.

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Buy IP Addresses?

Jan 25, 2008

Basically, considering my host is in Europe/Malaysia, it uses APNIC for their RR, and for more IPs its $5.00 per ip/month. Which is a bit expensive for me, so I was wondering if there are people on here that sell IPs for cheap? It doesn't matter what country it comes up in with a whois lookup, or what RIR it uses, I just need more IPs for my dedicated server.

So does anyone sell? Or know where I can buy?

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Can You Buy IP Addresses

May 2, 2008

Our business has grown and we would like to know if it is possible to buy IPs (/18 or /19)

Anyone have any experience with this?

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Are We Almost Out Of IP4 Addresses?

May 8, 2008

There's a gadget showing how quickly we are running out of IP4 addresses.

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Ip Addresses

Apr 25, 2007

As iam going to rent a server for my hosting plan I need to know 2 things:

1) are the ip addresses provided to me by the comany public or they are private inside the comany and they use natting to reach it as I don't know how they treat all the servers in thier DCs?If I check my server configuration I will find the real public ip's?

2) How they put the servers together?I mean is there any logical division like VLANs or what?

If someone can help me on this as Iam going to rent my first server and I will manage it by myself.

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IP Addresses

Mar 24, 2007

question about my ip addresses, can one of u guys let me know what is ment by

IP Addresses: /26 (~60)

how do i find out if my ip address is one of the above, is this some thing to do with the class of the ip?

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IP Addresses

Jan 27, 2007

I got a deal. The person claimed he's from US.

Just curious. Is it possible that someone in Rusia, for example, can pretend that he comes from US?

I know one way is to use proxy. What are the other ways?

Is there a paid service/software that can make your IP look american, british, etc.

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Two IP Addresses Same Server?

Apr 8, 2009

How can you tell if two IPs are setup on the same server without having access to the server?

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