I'm trying to figure out an iptables rule to block certain ips for a limited duration, after which the block rule will be removed.
hits to the iptables filter while the ip is blocked should not renew the timer.
i got as far as:
iptables -A INPUT -m recent --name blacklist --rcheck --seconds 10 -j REJECT iptables -A INPUT -m recent --name blacklist --remove
but how do i blacklist an ip now ? (this needs to be done via external app and not via iptables matches/hitcounts) iptables -A INPUT -s xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -m recent --name blacklist --set would renew the blacklist every time that ip sends a packet no matter if it is blocked or not. and also that rule would remain in iptables even when expired still has 301 connection, any idea.
Basically, I use ddos-deflate to block ddos attack. I already set the max conection to 25. But it seems not working. all the connections over 25 have not been blocked. Did I miss something? I mean after I issue
I recently looked at my secure and mesaages log and have been getting a lot of failed SSH root login attempts. So I thought I better do something about it.
Ideally I want to allow SSH login from just 3 remote public IP's, and block all others from even trying
How would you go about implementing this?
I have tried using IPTables, but I think im getting the rule wrong somewhere.
Here is what I have:
Code: ## Access to SSH from Pre-approved IP Addresses ONLY ##
I'm not that good at IPTables so bare with me. I think I got the rules correct though but it doesn't work Here is what I am trying to do.
I have a server at let's say will call this server A) and another at will call this server B).
These servers are in same datacenter.
What I am trying to do here is when a user accesses port 2000 on server A, I want server A to forward/proxy the port to 2000 at Server B. I have tried the following so far. Non of them worked.
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 2000 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 2000 -j DNAT --to-destination Yes, I have done service iptables save and start. Also iptables -F
commands to log packets temporarily for a certain udp port with the IP information ect.
Any help would be appreciated. As for what I am doing, I am trying to find anything wierd or something that stands out from the packets sent from external IP's to my server.
I login & send email through thunderbird using SSL and it's ports (so I no longer connect using 25/26). Occasionally I use webmail (Squirrelmail)
My scripts do send mail via sendmail.
Does my cpanel server still need the basic 25 & 26 ports to deliver and receive mail successfully, or can they be blocked in APF without any problems arising?
Currently I am using Linux + cPAnel and using the port 25 for email sevrer. Currently we facing 1 problem is, some user's ISP is not support port. May I know how can I add additional port into server and allow users to send mail by different port?
I have an office internal website and I opened a port in the gateway of my office (7080) to this website (server )'s 80 port. That makes this website open to public as office has static IP. And then when I view the site from home . it's fine. But when I tried to login, the site is using a pop-up, I guess it's http authentciation, login, I was redirected to a url without my port number any more, that stops my access to the site as obviously I would.
I am experiencing a strange problem with iptables: after in activate them, they are gone in a few minutes. For example, I drop traffic from an ip and after few seconds, all rules are flushed without touching anything!
If I keep getting spam from a certain IP, can I add that IP to Iptables? Will it stop me receiving spam from that IP? I'm not quite sure how it all works.
Or what is the most effective method to stop spam?
EG_UDP_CPORTS="53,465,873,6277" Whenever I turn EGF to 1 my VPS locks me out of everything, I need togo into hyperVM to turn it off and restart my firewall.
What would cause this?
It's Fedora Core 5 on OpenVZ i've googled and cannot seem to find a reason why it would do that. Could be something in the host node kernel that may need adjusting?
Do you find iptables enough or do you use a hardware firewall for linux? I haven't used anything less than hardware firewalls for years but I gather than most simply rely on iptables. Is that a smart choice?
# iptables -D INPUT -s -j DROP iptables v1.3.8: Couldn't load target `standard':/usr/local/lib/iptables/libipt_standard.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory What is going on? The libipt_standard.so file is located in /lib/iptables, but not /usr/local/lib/iptables. I tried moving all of the libipt files into the /usr/local/lib/iptables directory, but I got segmentation errors.