How Much This Will Cost
Oct 12, 2007RAM: 256
Space: 10GB
BW: 100-150GB
IP: 2
CP: DA/CPanel
how much this will cost?
RAM: 256
Space: 10GB
BW: 100-150GB
IP: 2
CP: DA/CPanel
how much this will cost?
I have 5 desktop boxes that I need placed in a co-lo.
With minimum transfer requirements month to month, what is a ball park figure on costs?
I am betting it will take up a half rack.
I am just looking for a rough estimate, like 200 a month ot 2,000 a month?
My current hosting company - - offers two Windows (IIS) hosting plans, that are almost identical except that one supports ASP.NET and the other only supports old-fashioned ASP, but not ASP.NET. The former is $20/month and the latter is $12/month.
Why would adding support for .NET increase the price by 67%? I run IIS on my network here and it's not obvious to me why .NET per-se increases cost, server loads, etc, by anything like that.
I have developed a forum. I don't want it to be dependent on any commercial interest, so I want to at least look into how much it will cost to set up and become my own host.
an education is what I need to decide.
I am a neophyte to the hosting/forum world
One of my clients just asked me if $4.50 per GB of transfer is a lot (as they just found out that's what their web host is charging them). I told them yes, because that seems ridiculously high to me, but I'd like to give them a ballpark figure for what that should cost. I can't find any hosts that charge per GB of transfer though. Any ideas what that should cost?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhat is more important to you, the price of the hosting, or the support provided?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI own a few servers and looking to buy CPanel license. I place I could find is $43 /month, but I see many providers are offering it at a much lower price. What is the cheapest price I can get one and where can I get those?
View 10 Replies View RelatedWhats about the going monthly rate on a 10gbit commit from the various providers (OC-192)? I realize there is a regional difference, I'm just ball parking.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThinking of putting together a ISCSI box with 14 sata II 750's, 3Ware sata controller (raid 6) and Intel quad port gigabit card ganged together for 4 gig transfer and tieing it all together with Open-E ISCSi or DSS module.
Anyone done something similar with good (or bad) results? Thing of using this for hosting web sites primarily as well as some storage for mail server and some databases. Servers running raid 1 and using MS iscsi initiator. Have a vlan setup just for iscsi traffic in my 48 port gigabit switch.
Are the TOE cards better to have or is the MS Initiator good enough. Plan on using the second NIC on the servers solely for ISCSI transfer.
I run a small cluster (5+) of servers and would like to move them behind a dedicated switch with my own dedicated bandwidth. I expect my bandwidth usage to be around 20 Mbps, measured at 95 percentile (greater of incoming or outgoing bandwidth). I have been quoted a price by my supplier but finding it rather high I wanted to ask users here what should be an average/reasonable cost for 1 mbps, assuming the servers are managed, the bandwidth is multi-tiered and the service is good.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy company rents machines and hosts our sites world wide. Lately we've seen a nice deal from MyDediServer here on WHT and rented out a QuadCore at a nice price.
We hoped that the "you get what you pay for" don't happen here but we were WAY wrong.
We started this weeks discovering the server is down. No access, no pings no SSH.
As there is no remote boot option I open an urgent ticket to support asking them to reboot the machine immediatly. After 2 hours of "we are on it" replies I chatted with their support only to be told "Admins will reboot it soon".
All and all it took them 12 (!!!) hours to reboot my machine and to top that when I've asked why it was down at the first place they ignored my questions (I've asked via ticket, email and support chat - all 3 ignored me).
I did claim it's either a DC, Network or machine problem yet they claim it is not.
Machine messages log is clean and no shutdown was issued.
Anyway Today (2 days after) I got a newspaper article made about my site ($$$) and when I came online to see traffic I was shocked to find out that the machine is down and off the grid yet again (!).
A support ticket was opened again two hours ago and a reboot is yet to be seen.
My feedback - keep clear - don't use them and avoid them even if they hand out free 8-core machines (!). They seem to be a one man (if at all) show with no to low customer orientation and a non-existing to low-existing support.
My guess is that they have a "chat operator" in India while the DC control does only US prime time support hence when I ask for a reboot it won't happen till the DC guys wake up in the US which sucks.
I try to avoid trash talk as I hate that but these guys are the worst I've ever used (and I rented out at dozens of companies).
My users frequently tell me that my website is slow, but it doesn't seem to be so, for me. Are there objective tools and criteria to test its speed (response time, max transfer etc)?
Also, I'm currently paying $1 for GB of transfer. How much does it usually costs?
Since my hosting company sets php_safe off, I'm considering changing it.Can you guys recommend me a hosting plan that has:
- ssh with vi etc: this is important
- A FAST server
- Norway-based (to enjoy .torrents without being bothered) or US Based (to enjoy "fair use", which seems to be exclusive to the USA)
- 1-3GB of space
- LOTS of transfer. I don't consume many gigabytes yet, but someday I will.
- Some kind of hacking protection. I'm damn scared of my website suffering a vampire attack and having to pay for the raeped bandwidth.
Does anyone here use Gigenet Proxyshield that protects your server from DDOS attacks? They don't list the price on their website here:
So i'm guessing it's probably expensive. Anyone know how much it costs?
Also, on their order form it asks you for an "ATTACK SIZE". What does this mean and what would you write?
where can i get sms bulk in low price?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWe are starting to bring a few servers in-house rather than leasing them. We decided to do it ourselves for our email server and a few others. We are starting with a 15mbps commit on fiber (via ethernet hand off), and don't plan to exceed 20-30 any time soon, but if we did we need remove for expansion on equipment.
What Router/Router Series would you guys recommand for a small budget friendly project, but more importantly something that is very stable? I'm pretty tech savvy, however easy to configure and maintain will be high up on the list....
Also what switch brand/series would you recommend that are cost effective and can handle a decent load?
How much does 500mbs cost these days?
Not include servers, just traffic. USA datacenter, average/like BTN quality level.
So I'm looking to upgrade my bandwidth limit from 2000GB to 2500GB, my account manager says it would cost me $100 per month.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWe were asked by a couple of potential customers for SAS70 certification. Before researching google I though I post this in this forum and see if any body has any idea about what is involved. So specifically here are my question:
1. Is it hard to become SAS70 certified?
2. How much of expense should we be looking at?
3. Are there any companies or outsourced who can help to get it done?
After running 6 or so dedicated servers purchased thru several different resellers, my company decided to get a rack at the Chicago InterNap DC.
The quote we got was $3,400 per month inclusive of cabinet, Usage based 10/100, and Cross connects.
Have a couple questions.
A) Is that price in the ballpark of where it should be?
B) Our quote states Usage based 100mb Ethernet (10MBps Min). Tier2 at $150 month and $1,400 for the 10.00 Mbps Base. Being new to this, I have no idea exactly how much bandwidth we can use before the "usage" fees kick in.
How does this work?
What are you paying for 1 gig commit in the UK? I'm looking at a rack in bluesquaredata, but that is flexible. I'm looking for a blend of providers, not just say a cogent connect.
Anyone have a large commit with rapidswitch?
I do not need more than 1go space / 250go bandwith. Do you think I can have this for about 20-25 $?
View 3 Replies View Relatedrecommend me a reliable and cost-effective switch.
I need it to be able to do the basics and limit port speeds that aren't standard like 20Mbps or 30Mbps.
Please recommend me switches in all price ranges,
If I had to give the number one reason I haven't changed hosts, for me I would have to say it is the cost and time. For example, I got a reseller account on Site5 about 4 years ago, and loaded it up with domains. Since you have to request backups, and have no access to an instant cpanel backup, it makes the process time consuming, especially when working with sites that have constantly changing data. And because I had over 50 sites there, it made changing hosts a major time commitment. Also, to pay someone to move everything would be equal to the cost of a couple of years of hosting (or similar).
View 14 Replies View RelatedPair is really well respected (from what I've heard), but their dedicated servers are a lot more expensive than many I've looked at. I've honestly wanted to use them because of their reputation, and my uptime being critical, but wanted to see if there are less expensive servers who are just as good...
View 7 Replies View RelatedI require a VPS system for my main dedicated (Softlayer, 4GB ram - to become 8gb ram after implementation, Dual Xeon 4 CPU).
I need to decide whether to use HyperVM (Lxlabs) or some other sort of system (Not Viruozzo had a bad experience with them a few months ago). I want something good and easy setup and efficient. I don't require EYE-CANDY.
I need to know what you recommend and what is easy to setup. I could also pay a third party organization for setting it up (if they have the knack for it and experience).
I would like to know everyone's experience (hosts and users) on what they like or prefer (except Virtuozzo/Parallel which I wont even consider anymore).
Also my main server has CPanel with around 100 web sites already on. Can I install hypervm or such on the existing server or do I need a fresh server for the same. The VPS accounts based on hypervm or such will end up having cpanel vps licensing anyhow since I am pro-CPanel (anti Parallel) (No plesk)
We are planing to setup a 3 tier datacenter in a space of 30000sft.
Now what will be the cost per sft.
What is the most cost effetive level of RAID in your experience?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best way to transfer the cost of webhosting to a client?
What I'm trying to establish is for instance, if you design a website and offer to set-up the hosting for them for say, an inital 2-year period, how do you go about getting them to pay for the hosting after the 2 years has expired? The same obviously applies to a domain right?
Can anyone recommend a good case/enclosure for a sata raid array? I would like to build an array using 500 GB SATA Harddrives. Will the server need much processing power and ram if I am going to use a decent hardware raid card? What card would you recommend? Are there any premade sata arrays that allow you to just pop in your own harddrives and don't cost thousands of dollars?
Also, can anyone recommend a enclosure if you had a server that had build in raid with 8 sata ports, but only two harddrive bays and wanted to use the entire 8 ports?
I am having really bad experiences with my current host. I guess I've overlook "quantity" over "quality". I got my current hosting account (almost 3 months now) from ebay...I guess that sums up pretty much everything. Actually I knew it was a newly startup company, but they offer WHM as well (which a function I really want for other reasons) for a really low price of one year with unlimited everything. I know.....I know.....there is no such thing, but I've figure I would not reach their limits anytime soon. So I went for it.....test drive I would rather put it. Let's make the long story short:
* 2 weeks after account setup, server down for 7 days (because their servers got hacked).
* Received email, everything was lost and "all accounts will be move to their new SUPER FAST servers (yes indeed, I've to say !) in the next couple of days".
* Waited another 4 days, nothing. Summited a support ticket; their response was all their clients account was already moved to the new servers with an new ip which I did not get notified.
* Fine, re-setup everything and.....cross my fingers!
* Everything went well for...almost a month and half. (Well...other then the company was brought by another company ) Other then that, server will be down 10, 20 mins. at a time here & there.......
* Until yesterday.....I thought it was like the usual 10, 20 mins., but it was more than half an hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours,.....I went to check on "their" web site, no longer accessible. Then I know it's time for me to look for a new host.
Anyway, sorry for the long post. I think I should rather change the title to "Really bad hosting experience from....." (Rather not to mention who, but if anybody care to know...)
Well, any offers from any web host in here?
Yes, THIS is one of my site. Let me know if / when it is working! Post the time if possible.
I'm looking for low cost VPS service that supports the following:
1. Can be used to setup as a VPN (virtual private network) server.
2. Can be used to setup as an IRC server.
3. Host one or a few small websites that are mostly static, and serves no more than 1000 page view daily impression.
4. Host email POP3/SMTP services
5. Physically located in the U.S., Japan, or Korea
6. Linux platform
The VPN and IRC service will be used by a private group of no more than 20 people. So does email. The server itself will serve as a gateway for us to work together, and maybe serve as a test platform. The services won't be open to the public. The IRC server will be for chatting only, and it won't be used for file distributing. There will be no P2P or illegal file sharing involved. We expect space usage of less than 5GB, and monthly bandwidth usage less than 200GB.
I'm still not sure which virtualizer is better between Xen and OpenVZ.
My bid is $10/mo, or $15/mo if it's really good.
Which VPS service will you recommend?