I have a lot of questions here so if you can't answer them all I understand. even pointing me somewhere where I could get the answers would be appreciated; hardware sites focusing on server hardware, forums focusing on such, etc.
we plan to have three different types of servers:
- db server (self explanatory. mysql. for forums, mysql driven sites.)
- file server (lots of files around ~2-10MB, consistant 70mbps right now, but we want more room for upgrades. needs a LOT of storage room.)
- web server (lots of php files, but also static things like plain html, images, etc. also includes all misc services for the setup-- dns, etc.)
could I be given a rundown for which hardware each of the three should have? I don't need specifics, even just knowing that more ram is important here while cpu doesn't matter as much, or that the fastest disks available are a must, etc would all be valuable info for me. despite that, I certainly wouldn't mind specific hypothetical hardware configs.
for the database server I'm assuming the more ram the better. not entirely sure about the cpu? also not positive on disks...
for the fileserver, how much ram would be practical or useful? disk io will be an issue I'm because plenty of people will be pulling files at once so the disk needs to read from multiple places. scsi (and even raptors) are not an option as we need 750GB+ of space on a reasonable budget. more ram will take some load of of the disks, but how much is neccessary / reasonable?
for the web server I'm assuming cpu first, then ram, but it'll likely need less ram than the db server?
I'm more lost on the disks than anything. scsi on the fileserver is not an option under any circumstances due to $/GB. for the db & web server I'm willing to pay for scsi if the performance increase really does warrant the extra money, but I'd like to be convinced before shelling it out. if you have benchmarks geared at server hardware when it comes to disks I'd really appreciate it.
also, what's the best way to network these together when colocated? each one with a dual gigabit ethernet port and then the communications go to and from the router?
I was wondering if it is possible to cluster 2 web servers and 2 mysql servers with only one server working as load balancer.
I am planning to use LVS (ldirectord and heartbeat).
Let's say I have 3 IPs allocated to the load balancing server. (Main IP) (Web Load Balancing IP) (MySQL Load Balancing IP) If a connection is made to .223 it would pass the request to one of the web nodes. If a connection is made to .224 it would pass the request to one of the MySQL nodes.
Is it possible to do this?
If not, can I run, for example, nginx on 223 IP address to provide forward proxy? (Then it would not be able to HA but the main point is to load balance so)
Also, what would be the best way to keep the data same on both web servers? This is a web cluster for a very high traffic forum with a lot of uploads every hour so it has to do real time synchronization. I heard that DRDB is only one way and not two way so I'm not going to be able to use this.
I am just colocating servers and managing them myself, and renting services off of them. In the future I would like to start offering dedicated servers as well. I am wondering if many companies do this, or if its more of a general practice to just setup as a reseller? The worst part that comes to mind is thinking of how to do billing for the bandwidth per month. With my setup I would only be offering flat bandwidth packages (like 2TB a month) but even so, I cant think of anyway to automate it so WHMCS knows if they went over, if so, how much, etc.
I have recently purchased new hosting with a new supplier which uses a different kind of control panel - cpanel. So before I transfer our organisations website across I want to spend some time playing.
We purchased our domains with 123 reg and the host we have been using for a while is namesco our new hosting package is with neither of these suppliers.
Before I transfer our primary domain to the new host I'm doing a dummy run with one of our other domains and that's where i've come up with this name servers question.
The new host gave me the name of their 2 name servers.
But when I went to my control panel at 123 reg to change the name servers they were not using namesco name servers they were using 123's.
Do I want to change the name servers to the new name servers or not? I'm a bit confused as i was expecting to see namesco names servers?
Is that possible to have ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com
Two differnet severs that means each having two different IPS? If so how?
the reason I ask is that I see a lot of hosting companies have thousands of users and many severs but they all ask their customers to point only to two name server ns1 and ns2
Say you are renting 2 (or more) dedicated web servers. How do you go about getting it so that www.yourdomain.com goes to one of the web servers? Do you need a 3rd server to redirect the request, or what?
if anyone had a recommendation on where to buy a decent used server (Just for DNS Purposes). Anywhere other than ebay? Anywhere local in the Greater Seattle/Everett/Tacoma, WA Area?
Cannot see my servers from office but sites are up and running. Servers are at AtlantaNap. Maybe weather?
Tracing route to mysite.com [xx.xx.xx.xx] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 30 ms 30 ms 30 ms 3 58 ms 30 ms 30 ms at-4-3-0-1710.CORE-RTR1.PORT.verizon-gni.net [64 .222.212.44] 4 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms POS3-0-0.GW12.BOS4.ALTER.NET [] 5 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms 0.so-3-0-0.XL2.BOS4.ALTER.NET [] 6 63 ms 63 ms 137 ms 0.so-2-3-0.XL2.ATL1.ALTER.NET [] 7 63 ms 63 ms 63 ms 0.so-7-0-0.XR2.ATL1.ALTER.NET [] 8 63 ms 63 ms 63 ms 194.ATM7-0.GW9.ATL1.ALTER.NET [] 9 63 ms 63 ms 64 ms internap-gw.customer.alter.net [] 10 64 ms 65 ms 63 ms border2.tge-4-1-bbnet2.acs002.pnap.net [64.94.0. 83] 11 64 ms 63 ms 64 ms giglinx-13.border2.acs002.pnap.net [ 8] 12 * * * Request timed out. 13 * * * Request timed out. 14 * * * Request timed out.
Does anyone know of an FTP client that lets you transfer files directly between one server and another (to avoid downloading/uploading)? Preferably that runs on Linux!
what exactly are the benefits of using such RAMs which cost about double of the normal desktop RAMs? not to mention the extra costs incurred for special motherboards?
My personal experience is that VPS is superior to low end celeron servers, because the overall performance is much better. I'd be curious if others agree, and if not, why not.
I've just ordered my first VPS (unmanaged) and the only thing I'm really concerned about is setting up/using a DNS server.
I think I have 3 options.
1. Set up BIND on my VPS... this doesn't look like much fun and offers no redundancy. I'd prefer not to do this.
2. Outsource the DNS server. I'd like to use a free one if possible [url] looks good... anyone had any experiences?) but suggestions of cheap services are also webcome.
3. Use my registrar's DNS server. I'm using namecheap at the moment. Here's the screen that comes up: [url]
Would that work? And create subdomain.domain.tld?
Finally, I think I'd need to select 'user' at the bottom and enter an MX record. Would this be domain.tld?
Personally I would never follow this route (hosting gameserver(s) on a VPS), but maybe some people on these forums do and I'm quite interested in what these people run (game+slots), on what hardware/OS, at which host and their opinion about the performance of it.
Alright, I have been running game servers for about 8 months now, but I am having some issues with a new box I just ordered in Ny. I only have 1 server on it, which is a CS 1.6 server and it is getting HORRIBLE FPS. Now usually when I put a new server on a box it always gets constant fps, so if I set it to 500 it will pretty much stay at 500, this has been the case on 10+ boxes I have. This one is getting from about 100-300 with a few spikes to 500. Now as far as running the game server, I know what I am doing, however this must me an issue with the server.
It is a Dual Opteron 252 with 2gb's of ram.(Plenty to run a high fps server)
The only thing I can think of is maybe the timer set in the linux kernel is too low. If so how would I change this (Never done it before)
Anyone else have similar problems? Any ideas what could be the problem?
i got my box and im thinking of opening a Gsp but for the moment i just wanna learn everythign before opening it. its been already 1 month and a half i have it. i know how to run game servers and stuff but i still dont know how to like make a server 1000fps boosted ( i know how but it seems like its making serevr speed Faster) or Setup ftp access only to this server and such! I need Some1 that is already in this Kind of bussness to help me. If you have Ventrilo it would be perfect because its easier for me to talk then typing everytime. Thnx alot guys. just contact me from pms in here.
I run a small company and we have a web based application accessed by our customers, this application lets our customers run their business, tracking working, producing parts orders, job cards, invoicing etc.
The database we use is SQL 2005, what we are trying to achieve is have another server, either alongside the existing one, or if it would work at another location where the data from one server is written to the other server, so in the event one server went down we could quickly switch to the second server, my questions -
1, Is this possible? 2, If it is what impact does it have on the performance of server one? 3, Do both servers have to be in the same location? 4, How easy is it to configure assuming its possible. 5, Is there anything else I should be aware of?
We have a webportal that has a lot of data... and we have different versions of this portal in different languages (russian, italian, chinese).
Now for better performance in china we took a web hosting there and made a copy of the portal there...
It is working as expected but it is really hard to mantain different versions of portals on different servers with separated databases and all other important scripts...
Now we are making a rewrite of our system and this rewrite will use a central database and unified data (so a user of the local (eg chinese) portal will be a user of the global portal too!
Now the portal is based on cakePHP and mySQL... so the business logic scripts and the database are only one for all the portal versions. The only thing that changes for each portal are the config files (one per portal).
Now, making it work on one server is easy but we would like to make mirror servers in russia, china and italy. Lets call them B, C and D and the main server: A.
Obviously all the servers should be in synchronisation between themselves. I've read mySQL has a replication function that would deal with the DB synch. What about other files? The portal allows users to upload their photos, avatars, attach documents and video content. We would like this files to be synchronised too... B<=>A C<=>A D<=>A