Best Free Control Panel

Oct 16, 2009

I am planning to buy a vps from photonvps (dont know when)and i cant afford the cPanel so in order i will ask them to install a free one. I wanted to ask you what is the best for someone coming from shared hosting. It has to be very simple and easy like cPanel

Also if you can, in your posts include a demo or images of the panel you suggest.

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Best Free Control Panel?

Oct 26, 2009

I want to know what's the best free control panel not Cpanel for Centos VPS?

and could I install more than one without conflict?

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Free Control Panel For Vps

Jun 1, 2009

Is there any free control panel good enough for newbies for vps?

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Free Control Panel

May 12, 2007

I'm on dedicated server/[Os-fedora, php5 installed] and going to install any free control panel (as i don't have more experience of working via ssh), which can give me chance to do this:

1. setup domain (primary) and add domains [too]
2. setup nameservers to IP
3. setup cronjob
4. add new mysql database/db_user/

... and of course be user friendly. i don't going to have users, give hosting, it's just for me. and don't eat much resources :-)

can u suggest any control panel?

i try to know price for plesk and DA, but unfortunately don't find any information [on theis sites] how much they are ?

DA is my favorite panel, but as told my hoster their price is increased, that's why is search any free panel

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Free Control Panel For Server 2003

Mar 2, 2007

what my options are for a free control panel that is operable on windows server 2003.

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Plesk Vs. C-Panel / Control Panel

Oct 11, 2007

I indicated that I've basically been using my webhosting company as "file storage".

1) I create all my files in .html using notepad

2) My files are limited to .html, .jpg, .gif, (and a couple of .js and .css) files.

3) My domain is not connected with my webhost; I use the nameserver and I use URL forwarding and mask/cloak the domain the address bar (using multiple domains) as follows: --> forwards to [url] --> forwards to [url] --> forwards to [url]

4) For uploading files, I go to ftp://123.456.78 and drop/drag/copy/paste files into the window using my browser

5) I'm able to password protect the subdirectories as I choose.


I called my webhost, Hostik, and told them that I was unable to do anything on my web console. I can't change a password, create a user, or even access my usage/bandwidth quotas.

They told me that I'm on an "old server" using the windows-based console (probably C-Panel / Control Panel) and they're in the process over the next three months of transfering everyone over to "Plesk".

So, they set me up with a new Plesk account, while keeping the old one in place, so that I could move/transfer my files to the Plesk account.

When I went to Plesk, I realized things are not the same:

1) In my Control Panel / C-Panel, I had a unique IP URL Address - [url]

2) In Plesk, it seems there's a set IP URL Address - [url] - that everyone shares.

3) I was told that in Plesk, many people use that IP URL address and that I'm supposed to place my files into the "httpdocs" folder.

Appearently, this is a system of shared hosting whereby many people have the same IP URL address (different from what I had before) and it recognizes each account by the login or something, so the "httpdocs" folder would identify my domain.

I was then told that in Plesk, I must have my domain affixed to the Plesk account.

In other words, I can no longer do what I was doing before, having my domain separated in another location and using URL forwarding from an outside nameserver.


So, my original question is what's the difference between Plesk vs. C-Panel/Control Panel?

Perhaps I answered most of it above.

Is it correct that I can't do things the way I've been doing them so far if that's the case?

It might be that Plesk is not for me and I may need to find a host that gives me my own unique IP URL Address. However, I was informed that not many companies are doing that as most are switching over to Plesk.

In addition, Hostik does not offer multiple domains.

In response to this thread, David recommended I try has "Multiple Websites". I assume this means mulitiple domains. Correct?

What's my best option at this point?

1) Find a host that has C-Panel / Control Panel (if any there are)?

2) Use a service such as and move all my domains over to them?

3) If I do use, am I required to move my domains over to their nameservers?

4) I have my MX Mail records pointing to for my email virtual domains. Would I still be able to do this if my domain is dedicated to a webhost and opt not to use their email feature?

5) Should I get rid of this old-school thought of using my web host as "file storage" and stop this practice of using URL forwarding and cloaking?

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Free Website Control Panels

Jun 8, 2009

i upgraded my UBUNTU to 9.10 in which i cant install the FREE Plesk Version.Damn

So im searching for quality free control panels like plesk.

I found webmin but its only for system not for a website.

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What Control Panel Do The Use

Apr 11, 2009

I tried contacting the live support from fatcow, and he was no help. It was probably just the guy i had but thats not the point. I think i am going to go with them but what control panel do they use?

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Vps Control Panel

Nov 8, 2009

know if i was to start a vps company. What FREE vps software and control panel are out there?

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GUI Control Panel For Xen

Jan 9, 2009

i want to install centos with xen to run vps service,

i know virt-manager can be used to manage xen under centos for admin,

i want to if there are any other good GUI control panel for xen?

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Xen Control Panel

Mar 16, 2009

I am tired of lxlabs. Bugs have been submitted, especially with Windows VPS, but lxhelp just ignores. If he could not fix, or doesn't have time to fix, he just ignores our requests without any reply.

So, I am looking for another control panel for Xen. I will need it to run on CentOS mostly. And able to create Windows VPS. I only know dtc, but it's built for Debian.

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VPS Control Panel ...?

Nov 4, 2008

I am running vps business and i would like to have your guys advice of which control panel to offer to all om my customers.

Most people leave my services only because they need to have simple control panel for their vps. So im looking for any commercial control panel which i can provide with all of my vps servers. Also It should not use more than 30Mb of ram and and shold not be a cpu hog.

Right now iam looking at ServerCP (as they have a deal when you can buy 100 for 69 dollars) but it needs about 128Mb of ram to function and its just too much.

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Control Panel

Sep 19, 2008

I have got a dedicated server for me.

It is with fresh OS. I was wondering which FREE control panel should I install on it.

It is a 2.6Celeron with 512MB RAM (soon to be upgraded to 1GB) with Cent OS 5.

My concern is that if in future I am able to find a cheap directadmin external license then I would want to uninstall control panel and will use directadmin.

So i need advice on control panel:
Which is FREE
Can work for a website (dont need multi domain fancy stuff). Will only host single domain.
Can install apache / mysql / email etc.
Use apache NOT apache-light. I saw HostInABox but it uses apache-light which dont work well for my website features. Tested it in a VPS earlier.
Can uninstall cleanly if needed so that I dont have to reload OS in future inorder to install DA.

How about webmin or ispconfig.

Do they install easily and uninstall cleanly? I am not an expert but am learning quickly.

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Control Panel RAM

Aug 11, 2007

I've done some searches but, didn't find what I was looking for.

Which of WHM/CPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin requires the least memory to function in an adequate manner and what would that amount of memory approximately be?

If there is a significant difference between the three?

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Control Panel With A VPS

Aug 29, 2007

A contral panel like WHM costs extra about $5 and I want to save this, if I don't find out, why it makes sense for me. I know WHM and cpanel and I understand, that I need this for configuration as a reseller or customer to configure all, but with a VPS I have root-access. So why do I need a control panel with a VPS?

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Going Without A Control Panel - Can This Be Done

Jun 16, 2007

I'm just starting to explore the idea of getting dedicated server or good VPS for hosting websites of clients I do php/sql programming for. I want to learn the right way, so I downloaded CentOS iso's and installed the operating system on an old computer, learned how to use yum to install the server software, set up virtual hosts, etc. I would like to give clients ftp access though honestly most of their sites will be hooked up to CMS, but sometime might arise where somebody just wants hosting and not programming. I would like to do without a control panel and try to do as much as possible from command line. For limiting site's bandwidth i found mod_cband. Anybody have expreience with that? Does it work as it is supposed to? Now I'm wondering how to put a quota on how much space client can use on disk, but after much searching haven't come up with an answer. Anybody have any idea how you are supposed to do that? And also, haven't looked into the FTP end of things, as I can't really test that right now on development server, but is it possible to manage FTP accounts solely from command line and editing config files? Whew...I guess that's it for now.

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Control Panel

Jul 20, 2007

For a 128 MB RAM powered VPS, which will be the least resource hungry control panel:


1. WHM/cPanel
2. DirectAdmin Access
3. Webmin
4. Plesk
5. Virtuozzo Power Panel (??)

and the OS (least resource hungry + stable):


1. Debian
2. CentOS
3. Redhat
4. Fedora
5. Ubuntu
6. ...

Next, can life without a control panel work better?


1. adding/managing new domain
2. adding/managing new db
3. adding/managing email accounts
4. ...
5. ...

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Free Control Panels For Dedicated Server

May 3, 2008

please provide me some free control panel like webmin!

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VPS...Control Panel + Security

Mar 30, 2009

i have bought VPS with

Burstable Memory (MB): 512

Guaranteed Memory (MB): 256

And i like some free control panel,and to doesn't have high memory usage. And tell me the OS what type to have...I have at the moment CentOS. Also i need security,such block ddos attack or flood.

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Add Domain Without Control Panel

Jun 22, 2009

i want to know if i can add the domain to my vps without a control panel

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Hyper-V Control Panel

May 25, 2009

With Virtuozzo, there is the panel to restart the vps and view bandwidth and server resources etc.

For Hyper-V what is there for me, a customer of the service. ie hosts are telling me they dont have a control panel - so how could I restart the hyper-v should the OS crash?

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Control Panel And Ownership

Jun 11, 2009

i got a unmanaged vps and i do not know why i often see folders and files ownership belonging to apache instead of myself and i have to manually reset ownership via directadmin file manager or ssh in to do it....can anyone advise me how to fix this problem as in anything i can do to stop all these apache ownership problem...

Another thing about directadmin, i select all folders and files at once trying to reset ownership but i always get an error and have to reset ownership one by one wasting time....

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Control Panel - LxAdmin

Feb 25, 2009

What have you heard of LxAdmin control panel? offers it on their shared hosting and I don't know how usable it is.

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Control Panel For Ubuntu VPS

Aug 25, 2008

I have just ordered a VPS from VPSempire to learn more about web servers and server in general.

I hope to install a few free control panels to play around with, webmin doesn't seem enough, what do you recommend?

The VPS is very low spec:

5gb Hard Disk Quota
50gb Monthly Bandwidth
128mb Guaranteed Ram
256mb Burstable Ram

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What Kind Of Control Panel Do You Usually Use In A VPS

Dec 27, 2008

Just want to take note and prepare a bunch of license and money first

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OS Choice, Control Panel

Feb 6, 2008

I'm moving to another server in the next day. I've got a choice for an operating system (as I did last time). I thought I'd ask for opinions, thoughts, and experiences with the choices.

Fedora Core 7

A little info about the sites. I host 2 Gallery sites, a fairly popular Drupal based site, a relatively static PHP site, and soon and osCommerce powered site. I use PHP and MySQL a good bit. The server is managed by Plesk 8.3 right now. Which takes me to my other question.

What other control panels are available that offer good feature sets and low overhead (resource wise)? I'm impressed with the look of Plesk, but the workings leave something to be desired. My server comes with Plesk unless I tell them otherwise. They don't offer an alternate control panel solution.

As far as technical knowledge goes, I work with Linux (SLES/SLED) on a fairly regular basis. So I'm not a complete rookie. But I definitely don't consider myself an expert.

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No Control Panel :: How To Add A New Domain Name?

Jun 15, 2008

My VPS has no control panel.

Main domain is under /var/www/html

Now I want add a new domain under /var/www/html/new_site

How to do this?

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Which Control Panel Does GoDaddy Use?

Apr 9, 2008

Which Control Panel does Go Daddy use?

And how do you think Go Daddy is as a Hosting provider.. i'm looking for Shared hosting..

Also, please brief me about it's

1) Support
2) Data Center
3) Powertools

Will I get a free Domain?

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Hosting Control Panel

May 17, 2007

I cannot create a mail domain for website in HC7(hosting con troller panel).

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Which Control Panel Do You Prefer

Oct 27, 2008

I was unsure were to post this but this is for both VPS,Web hosting and Dedicated server users.

I like cPanel/WHM

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Which Control Panel To Choose

Aug 7, 2008

I still don't know which control panel to choose. offers them a lot on their dedis but which way to go?

They offer: Cpanel/DA/Plesk/Helm.

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