/tmp Screwed
Aug 15, 2007
I'm not sure what is wrong with my /tmp directory.
Everytime i try to do a PHP file upload, it comes up as fail because the uploaded file would not go to tmp, or is somehow stuck there as the filesize returns 0kb.
Anyone knows where to start looking to fix this problem?
tmp mount:
/dev/tmpMnt on /tmp type ext2 (rw,noexec,nosuid,loop=/dev/loop0)
ls tmp returns:
drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 4.0K Aug 15 10:42 tmp
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Oct 30, 2009
I've been with Siteleader for several years, and they seemed okay, if not a bit slow and unresponsive for the last year or two. They billed me, however, $125/year to register my domain, and recommended also registering the .org and .net variations to protect myself, so another $125 each, with no advance notice of billing.
I always suspected this was run by younger folks who don't interact well with people, but it wasn't until I tried to setup online commerce that I really found their shortcomings. The OS Commerce software seems better suited to Europe since it lacks basic functionality for interstate commerce, shipping calcluation, sales tax, and is clunky in my opinion. As I struggled with it, invested in credit card processing, authorize.net, etc., and time to build the catalog, it just didn't work out. The credit card processing didn't happen despite all appearances that I set everything properly.
When asking for help and expressing frustration with the OS Commerce package one response (often without a name) from Siteleader was "we don't know every software program out there". Well, I was just asking for help with the one they were providing. Lack of follow up, promises to help and fix things, my disappointment with the whole ecommerce experience through them drove me to find another provider. A dozen emailed inquiries about ending service later I received a brief reply that indicated that I would be charged $495 (!) per domain to terminate services with their firm.
I tried desperately to reason with them, but emails went unanswered, their phone number goes to voicemail 312-324-0384. Another number, oddly similar, 312-324-0348 rings at a boutique in Chicago and the gal who answers says "Chris" does the computer stuff, but messages or him are not returned. I plead with siteleader via email for a phone number or for a return call so that I can speak with someone in person. (and I had received periodic calls from "Ron" who also answers the accounts@siteleader.com email address-when there is a name) who seemed polite, but I suspect these guys bury their heads in the sand and wait for someone to give up and just pay to leave.
I contacted someone at enom.com since that's where my domain name is registered, a fellow there indicated that since I was shown as the owner, I was good, he would notify them and in 24 hours he could let me take ownership and sign up direct with them. Well, Siteleader saw this "ticket" activity and changed the name of the owner to themselves so now this fellow at enom says there's nothing he can do.
I've been stressed and livid for the past two days. Convinced at first they weren't reading my emails at siteleader, then they'd send 2nd and 3rd notices that to cancel an authorized person would need to contact them and the fees would be due. Irony, since I can't effectively make contact with them.
Then, when I thought they were ignoring my emails, or they weren't getting through (understandable, since emails through my website don't always forward, courtesy of these same idiots) I received an email that just effectively said "pay up and then go work on your own business, go away", no name, but this from a supposed "legal and compliance department". I suspect there are no grown ups involved here.
I'm stuck looking at legal action. I did file with BBB, but it's so tricky with their addresses, though I found a P.O. Box that might work, they seem to merely dodge any customer service issues, yet penalize anyone who wants to leave for better service.
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Aug 27, 2007
I have a VPS with mctoast and they are closing the door on this next month.
I need to move and I have no to idea what or where and please need help.
I have been with those toads since the first day they opened and lived with a crappy regular account and then switched to VPS when it became available. They wanna move everyone back to shared which I cannot do, I`d rather die. Their shared servers suck.
My problem is that I have 5 resellers and I want full control over them, not on a shared server. Also I need to make sure all databases and scripts work on my new home. The transfer needs to be flawless and I need Fantastico and cPanel installed as well. It would be nice to be able to restart services as well. It was also a managed VPS, I didn't have to do any maint.
So many of my accounts are my students that I teach at college and school just started this week so this announcement of this happening today really has my head spinning.
This is what I had-
1.0 Ghz-512 MB MEM-16 GB-400 GB BW
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Jun 4, 2008
i did a lot of research and ended up with leaseweb for the server needs of my new project.. i first got a 10mbps unmetred server and well all went fine..
we were growing at 1000% so i ordered for a 100mbps unmetered server n bam all the problems started..
first of all my server stated showing sql errors saying on the first page that cant connect to sql database n i had to reboot the server every 4 hours so that it does not so that error does not show up coz it sarted showing the error every 5 hours...
i sent in a ticket about the problem n they said none existed!
after a lot of shouting they finally after 2 days checked the server and the hard disc was replaced... n they could not take backups n m in file sharing n ALL my files were lost!
after this the WHM n cpanel stopped working... i sent in a ticket n they replaced the cache with the space taken up by the cpanel... n bam.. nobody could login in coz no sesions could be created...
one more ticket and they said pay 25euros for every 15 min of support... they tried charging me for soemthing they screwed up themselves... after a lot of mails they fixed that!!
nyways we were not given the giga port as was decided n i sent in a ticket n they said they will do it a day after and will change the IP n it is a small thing and the server has to be shifted n the new ip will be sent...
i said ok n they took my site offline for a whole one day!
if that was not enough they sent me the new ip n had done something wrong configuring the server and the name is poiting on the new IP but the site is not working!
now this is a lot... my site is screwed up for more than week now... n my site is no longer online from the last 2 days now! sent them another ticket n awiting reply n i had asked the godaddy support too n its d server issue...
this is bull ****... m sry for the language but m desperate...
tell me what to do? m tired of all this...
i spent $10k on this projct n we reached world rank 3300 in just a month n now my site is no more!
i am practially near being broke... n the lease web ppl are still charging me for the server that is not even working!
tell me what to do?? can i take any legal action?
all the users of the site have shfted to other alternatives and n i have lost whatever i made n my site still not online!
this project is dear to me n leaseweb screwed it all up!
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Dec 30, 2008
Had someone contact me to assist in gaining control of their content and name, as it appears their 'host' has vanished (If I've found the right person, he's been arrested for repeated domestic violence). I look into it, and they don't answer emails (for months now, according to the true owner), phone numbers are disconnected and they've tried to hide their "business" by using resellers and multiple dummy companies.
Still active GoDaddy reseller for their domain name...which is registered in this guy's name, not the true owner. He's gone, for months now, and the real owner is left trying to convince GD of the ownership.
Then the hosting, traced to an active Site5 reseller account. They won't let her in or give her the files/db without the reseller's permission, and he's into the wind. Chat support suggested we open a new account. They won't give us anything, mind you, just "open a new account".
Hmm...not very helpful.
They went on to suggest contacting management, but left little hope of success in doing so, according to him.
So, why would this person do all of these things to keep the rightful owner out?
Is it deliberate?
Self preservation?
Honest mistake, or incredibly stupid?
Consider this an open recommendation to all of you new, start up or would-be hosts:
Leave a way for your customers to gain access to what they've paid for, should you be hit by a bus, or simply fall off the face of the earth. Domains registered in *their* name, not yours, and have a backup plan in place so someone at your company can at least do the right thing in your absence. Do it today, now even.
You the only one there? Write up a document, and leave it with someone you trust to carry out instructions when you're gone. I've had to deal with everything from accidents to deaths and simply quitting without telling anyone, and it's completely unfair to the customers you leave behind.
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Apr 30, 2008
I mistakenly ran ELS script [url]inside the NODE in root mode instead of inside the vps container I was intending to run the script in, and everything basically stopped working - even after a hard reboot.
No vps's load, no sites work. The vzagent is not pinging. Cannot connect via VZMC as a result.
The following error(s) were detected:
Most likely your service Virtual Private Server is down or you have entered invalid host address.
I stopped the ELS script at the mytop install yes/no step. I selected yes for all previous install options EXCLUDING apf and bfd. I did a yes on sysctl.conf hardening, disable register globals, chmod dangerous file folder (which probably caused the problem).
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Jun 14, 2007
Our server with raid 10 has had a failed hdd (which was replaced) and a
corrupt ext3 filesystem.
The server is now booted with Knoppix but drives will not mount. All we are trying to at this point is salvage as much data as we can.
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