
Apr 23, 2007

I have a vps that has been exploited, and the hosting company is giving me advise on what to do to fix the security problems, but i need a good server administrator/company to help me with this. can anyone recommend a company that will go thru my server,

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Joomla Security / Linux Security

Apr 4, 2008

I run a web hosting company and one of my servers is a LAMP server running CentOs 5. A user of mine has a Joomla installation running to manage his website and he has run into the following problem that I am puzzled by.

When Joomla adds a component or module to itself, or when a user uses the Joomla upload functionality, Joomla will add the new files under the user name "apache". This makes sense as it is the apache service running PHP that is actually creating the files.

However, when he FTP's into the account to modify these files, he doesn't have the appropriate permissions to do so as he doesn't have a root level login, just permissions on his home directory which is the site. Any help would be much appreciated.

Also, does anyone know how to change the owner/group of a directory and all of its sub directories in Linux without changing the actual permissions? I.e. some of the files in the folder have different permissions (0644 as apposed to 0755) than its parent but if I do a top down user/group change on the folder it will change everything in that folder to 0755.

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Web Security

Jul 16, 2009

I have regarding hosting/designing my application. Users of my website upload highly sensitive files to the server. I'll use SSL but will that be enough since the files are not encrypted on the server. I tried to encrypt the files but that is adding a huge overhead.

My first question is - is it a good idea to store the files on the server rather than a database? My other question is regarding hosting; I'm thinking of building my own server and host it in a colo. Is colo more secure than dedicated hosting? Currently i'm still in the process of developing my App and my environment is Windows Server 2008/SQL Server 2005.

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Mod Security

Feb 9, 2007

Is there any problems with having duplicate rules in different files as I have downloaded some rules and am going to make them all into one file to give me the best protection, but this is going to take time and I really need some sort of protection now

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Aug 25, 2007

after install ConfigServer Firewall i get the following ...

ConfigServer Security & Firewall - csf v2.89 >>
PHP Check >>
Check php for register_globals >>
WARNING >> You should modify the PHP configuration (usually in /usr/local/lib/php.ini) and set:
register_globals = Off

unless it is absolutely necessary as it is seen as a significant security risk

must i modify it?or not? put in ur consideration i tried to download it to modify an error occured!

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How Much Security

Aug 24, 2007

I am on a shared server account with Lunar Pages basic hosting plan.

The only script file I have up running is db Masters FormM@iler. It runs on Cpanel. I deleted whatever other scripts I could find on my server. The site is just basic html pages with jpgs and a gif.

Is there much else I really need to do to secure the server or is that more in Lunar Pages' hands?

If there is still more I can do to secure the server, and is it a small amount that's easy to do or would it be wise to just hire someone else to put in a few hours making sure everything is truly set up securely?

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On Becoming A Security

Mar 27, 2007

I'm inheriting a website that is currently a mess. It was designed in Joomla, but everything about the site by the original designer, is completely a mess. Files weren't placed in their proper directory hiearchy, the site has been hacked into a few times...basically a big headache.

I'm willing to learn and my first goal is the redesign the site. Currently, I'm looking at choosing a CMS or just rebuilding it in Joomla. The problem is that the site is a big part of the business, so any down time is not good.

I have some questions I hope you experienced folks can help me with...

Does CMS choice have any bearing on whether or not its a security vulnerability? If so, which one's are "less a target" of getting hit?

I just want to design the site from scratch and make it secure as possible from suggestions on various forums. I don't want to be a security admin, but is that what I'll end up having to do to run a site like this?

What are my options between "doing it myself" vs "hiring a third party"?

The company is right now in a tween stage. Fast growth but not enough to hire a security guy, based on my talks with the CEO. I disagree with this, but what can I do in the meantime to plug the site holes?

I'm almost wanting to go commercial so I don't have all the headaches, but the company wants to save money. What can be done in those situations?

Before I go out and spend money on books, what do you recommend I buy to start getting my feet wet in what may become a future in IT security?

This is from someone who's just inherited a dedicated server with a swiss cheese website. What is the first order of business for someone who is in the dark and will not get much support in regards to spending more money?

how do I secure my site "on my own"?

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Php Security

Feb 26, 2007

I noticed that my vps had utilized 250 gig of traffic in one day [i average 5 gig per MONTH] with cpu usage of close 100%; my hosting company pinpointed one php file which had allowed an outside varibale to be placed in "include" function so that the outside php code was being run;

Is there any program/scripts that can immediately email me if cpu usage stays high
the nic card is being utilized too much memory usage exceed certain levles this way, i would know i have been hijacked in time and try to find the culprit i use knownhost with cpanel/linux mysql and php.

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Jul 21, 2007

i have an unix server [don't know what version i think it's FreeBSD ]


and i use WS_FTP to upload the files to my server.. but i have a big problem all my files are encrypted with some problems but when people use getrigh browser or some kind off program to acess my server instead of a normal browser it appears the list of files i have upload and they can download them and when i set password for images etc it's all safe, but people can't acess parts of the site without password... i want to know if there's some way of protect my file without interfering with the normal browser acess.

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Jul 24, 2007

when we run server with shared hosting. we mostly facing issue os security like c9shell scripts.. as well as ppl hacked database or changed index.html. we do enable php open base dir as well as mo security firewall we do search which user is using find command who is uploading file... but is there any other way to secure server for such hacking issue..

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Mar 26, 2007

I have run rkhunter and got message saying that /bin/dmesg [BAD]

# rpm -qf /bin/dmesg
# rpm -V util-linux-2.12a-16.EL4.20
.M...... /usr/bin/chsh

It looks like RPM damaged? How can I confirm it?

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Jul 10, 2007

When securing a vps system, do things like Enable Shell Fork Bomb/Memory Protection use much memory or any other secuirty measure?

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Oct 31, 2007

We have a e-commerce web site that has the latest shopping cart software ( that is known to be secure) ssl cert, etc.

We got a call today from a guy who says that he used his brand new card on our web site and that the card was stolen and used on anothoer site within hours. We have checked every file on the web site, logging into serevr root and checking everything and cant find any evidence of a hack or security breach of any kind.

can someone recommend a reliable company that can go in and check things out for us to see if they can find anny security issues, or evidence of a breach? There must be a company out there that does this sort of thing

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Web Hosting Security

Apr 8, 2008

I am conducting some research into potential risks that web hosts have to deal with on a daily basis. What potential security risks are there for web hosts ? And how do they overcome these issues?

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Shell And Php Security

Jun 7, 2009

For security reason I have these php functiosn disabled:

show_source, system, shell_exec, exec, popen, proc_open, procopen, passthru

Can anyone please tell me whether if it will prevent shell scripts from working?

They can still upload the shells but cant read/write/execute commands in 777 directories?

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IP Security Policies

Jul 16, 2009

I want to setup a Windows 2003 security policy to filter traffic.

I want to let most of the world through to port 80 so maybe just ban a few nuicance IP's.

But then I have a POP / IMAP server, VPN, SMTP, etc that I want to block all but UK IP addresses.

I know I can do this through the MMC snap in but this is 1000's of IP's.

Is there a way I can import a list/range of IP's that I want to block from a country IP database?

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Security Leak Between The NIC

Oct 9, 2009

I have a Linux server in which i have two NIC's one is for the LAN and other is for the Internet

[root@nebula etc]# ifconfig
eth0 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

eth1 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

How can i test security between the Internet Nic and the LAN Nic to be sure no security leaks exist.

I can only access the server remotely no GUI but can install packages.

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CentOS Security

Mar 23, 2009

I am getting more into it and looking for the best way to harden it and secure it. Also some information about what processes to turn off and how to better setup my IP Tables.

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WHMCS Security

Apr 24, 2009

So I've been using WHMCS for a while, and there's something I'm a little concerned about with the whole keeping customers credit cards for recurring payments.

I've downloaded a backup copy of the database and I see that the passwords and credit card information is encrypted. That's all nice and handy but the CC hash is also stored right in the configuration file. That means that if someone gains access to the server and just grabs the database + config file they would then be able to view all that info correct? Maybe someone who knows a little more about WHMCS can tell me if this is correct or not?

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CSF Security Check

Apr 20, 2009

I'm running CSF on a Cpanel server and have questions about new features in CSF

Apache Check

Check Apache weak SSL/TLS Ciphers (SSLCipherSuite)


Cipher list []. Due to weaknesses in the SSLv2 cipher you should disable SSLv2 in WHM > Apache Configuration > Global Configuration > SSLCipherSuite > Add -SSLv2 to SSLCipherSuite and/or remove +SSLv2. Do not forget to Save AND then Rebuild Configuration and Restart Apache, otherwise the changes will not take effect in httpd.conf

Can someone explain this in laymen terms? I know this is new in Cpanel. I'm already running Apache 2.2, PHP 5.2.9 with suPHP enabled and mod_security as well (these rules: [url]

Also, what exactly are these CSF checks?

Check csf PT_SKIP_HTTP option
This option disables checking of processes running under apache and can limit false-positives but may then miss running exploits

Check csf SAFECHAINUPDATE option
This option closes a window of opportunity that opens when dynamic chain updates occur

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Spam And Security

Jul 5, 2009

I am facing some major SPAM problems.

I am a web host from the city of Kolkata, India.

Almost 95% of my clients are from my city - others are also known to me. I know many of them face to face - there are very little chances that any of them are SPAMMER.

Still my server IP is blacklisted - several times in last 1 year - I changed my datacenter - but the problem still persists.

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Server Security

May 21, 2009

I'm running CentOS 5.x and DirectAdmin and wondering how to do the following:

- Disable compilers and other known binaries. Should I chown WGET 550?

- Prevent Shell Fork Bombs

- Best way to create partitions for tmpfs, tmp since my host forgot them?

- Any other tips on securing a DA based server? (I already have taken care of the whole SSH side of things)

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Named Security

Jun 27, 2009

Is this the correct setup?

DNS Server 1:
allow-transfer {; Server2; };
allow-recursion {; Server2; };
recursion no;

DNS Server 2:
allow-transfer {; Server1; };
allow-recursion {; Server1; };
recursion no;

BOTH hosts file:
order bind,hosts
nospoof on
spoofalert on
multi on

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FreeBSD Security

Apr 9, 2009

I haven't really messed with FreeBSD very much, but I'm picking up a FreeBSD server and needed to know of a good free firewall for it.

On my CentOS/Debian servers I use CSF and have had good luck with it, so I would like something like that if there is one out there.

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VPN Service Security

Jul 22, 2009

The VPN service owner can he track and know all his customers activity

I mean let's say am a customer and I bought VPN subscription and then logged in with my new vpn ip and I login to my email , in that case the VPN service owner can he read know my email password or other sensitive data like if If I login to can he know what password I used using his vpn server logs?

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Know Of Any Security For Litespeed

Apr 4, 2009

I have litespeed enterprise.

Will mod Security work with it? I doubt it, because it says Apache. But just wondering.

Dos anyone know of anything else, besides the security section on litespeed?

Any packages like mod security, that work with Ubuntu and LiteSpeed?

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DotDefender For Security

Apr 9, 2009

I have lately been watching dotDefender from Applicure with a keen eye, I run my own dedicated server for personal use (and let mates host for free when I have some spare resources).

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Hostgator And Security

Apr 2, 2009

we just had our first case where it seems that hostgator changed the settings for register globals on someone's account, and then it "appears" as if their blog got hacked as a result. I know that register globals is a phrase that is mentioned often when it comes to security settings and hacking, and to the best of my knowledge hostgator recently changed the settings (or will be doing this) on their servers. This concerns me, and I wanted to see if anyone had any more information on this, as we have been recommending hostgator to use with phpLD for a long time, and I want to make sure this recommendation is still a good one.

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Security On VPS, Dedicated

Apr 8, 2009

I am wondering is there a program that can log ALL data like connections to the server commands made by that user on what ip address. I run a Managed VPS, Dedicated Server company. I only use Linux VPS (centOS, ubuntu, debian, Opensuse, and Gentoo). Dedicated Servers same as Linux a few windows servers. But I am not really worried about the dedicated server part yet. I just want a program where i can view the logs in real time if possible. I have tried Vuurmuur which looks good but its more on the lines of a firewall. I am still testing it. I am wondering is there something similare or can i just open up all ports with Vuurmuur and log everything?

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Transfer Security SSL

Jun 7, 2009

I have 2 webserver.

the first is running WS2003 EE and has my SSL certificate on it.

The other runs WS2008 EE.

I want to transfer my SSL Certificate from IIS6 in WS2003 to II7 in WS2008.

how can I do this? I am trying to do a migration/transfer from old webserver to new webserver.

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Jun 22, 2009

to install mod security in ubuntu BUT I CANT.


What commands to use?

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