Apache/php Locate Infnite Loop

Dec 3, 2008

my system sometimes just hangs, until i manage to restart apache.

i believe one of my programs, most likely php scripts, has infinite loop, unfortunately i'm clueless which script, where.

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Apache :: Need To Locate A Directory

Jul 10, 2014

When I enter my_domain.com the browser displays index.php located in httpdocs on my server. When I enter my_domain.com/main/ the browser displays another page, but there's no directory "main" in my httpdocs. Somehow it's redirected to another location (but in URL bar in the browser it's still my_comain.com/main/). I need to find that location.

As I searched through the web, such redirection can be made in .htaccess file, but I can't locate this one either. My server is Apache on CentOS6, and httpdocs directory is located in /var/www/vhosts/my_domain.com. I searched for .htaccess in several locations that I googled, I also tried executing "find / -type d -name '.htaccess'" on PuTTy, but it gives no results.

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Apache :: HTAccess Redirect Loop

Jan 25, 2014

Well, I was trying to use the following in htaccess, but I get the message of redirect loop.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?page=$1 [L,QSA]

What I want to do is this: The URL is like somedomain.sub.com/somepage/s1/s2The index.php is accessible from somedomain.sub.com/somepage/I want to send s1/s2 as $_GET['page']

Also, I don't want the URL in the address bar to change, only the url sent to the server should change. This worked well in my localhost, but on webserver (0fees.net), it doesn't work ...

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Apache :: Infinite Loop In LAMP Website

Jul 18, 2013

We are getting infinite loops due to the user requesting the same page continuously , even if apache sends a 200. It is happening randomly once every two or three weeks for different users.This issue is not confined to one browser it is happening with firefox 21, firefox 5, ie 8, etc. It is not happening to the same user again.

It is a PHP based website with custom CMS.We are never able to replicate this issue.Is this something related to a plugin installed on a browser ?

PHP Version 5.3.8
Apache 2.0

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Apache :: Unable To Locate MSI Install Package For 2.4.12

May 18, 2015

I am unable to locate the MSI install package for 2.4.12.

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Apache :: Every Single Webpage Visit Redirects To Webpage - Redirect Loop

Sep 1, 2014

I've been having troubles with my website recently . I installed a forum software (MyBB), and the problem started happening shortly after. I've talked to a few site admins in the MyBB community but they all say that none of MyBB's scripts are capable of doing this.

Every single webpage i visit redirects me to a webpage which then has a redirect loop. I've removed all recent changes made to my website via FTP and restarted apache, but i'm still receiving the same error. I'm not quite sure what to do.

Link to my website: ript.onl
Screenshots: [URL] ....

Every single webpage does this. I dont have any .htaccess files around and i've checked a few config files for anything out of the ordinary, but haven't seen anything.

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Nameserver Loop

Mar 25, 2007

my nameservers are failing I ran a DNS test over at [url]

and entered one of the accounts hosted on my server www.darkdemon.org

and at the end of the results I get

nameserver loop detected

I normally get my friend to setup my nameservers sadly hes on holiday at the moment so I'm trying to setup the nameservers myself, any idea how I can resolve this issue?

I'm running Centos 4

Cpanel / WHM

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How Do I Locate 777 Files

May 23, 2007

How do I locate a list of files or folder with 777 permissions?

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AOL Hitting Website In A Loop

May 7, 2009

I have a question regarding something.

I have a live visitor tracking software so I see visitors online in my website

Some hour ago someone from AOL United States was on my contact page website.

Then after an hour i see the same user is still on the contact page but he is going from home domain.com to domain.com/contact.php

Then after 10 seconds he goes again to the homepage, 10 seconds later he goes again the contact page. So the counter shows 1000 pages this visitors is hitting all the same, forwards and backwards, to the homepage and back to the contact page, again and again in a loop for 10 seconds in one, 10 seconds in the other.

So I think this must some user that left his PC on and is going crazy in a loop, has a virus or something abnormal. The IP resolves to a AOL proxy cache using Internet Explorer with low resolution ,536 something.

So I go into the server restart apache, and think this is going to cut or break the connection. No, user is still there looping.

So I say, enough with this, this is not normal, I block the IP. Then voila the user changes IP but same browser from AOL. I say what? Block the new IP and this little devil changes IP again. So i think this must be someone trying to corrupt my webstats or is having fun on me, since a DDOS attack would not be so stupid to use only 1 IP. I block every IP and he keeps changing. So I block the full range from 205.188.116/***

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Email Loop From NetVentures

May 30, 2009

Has anyone else got an email from NetVentures regarding a review site and then getting 8+ tickets from other hosts? Seem to be a lot of victims... [url]

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Unmounting Amd Deleting Loop

Jul 1, 2008

I am writing on this forum and I am hopping some will help me. I have an issue with unmounting and deleting the /dev/loop0 on my host machine. Below is the error I am getting:

# losetup -d /dev/loop0
ioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy

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Alteon LB And SSL Redirection Loop

Aug 8, 2008

I am having an issue with one of our sites sitting behind an alteon load balancer. Basically, when people try to checkout from a store it redirects to https. Well, this gets stuck in a loop and never responds. If you go to https directly it works fine till you try and check out.

Flow is like this 443->loadbalancer->81 apache web server.

Anyway, I think it has something to do with the session getting lost. I've read some on proxying but I am not sure how to get it working.

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Infinite Loop From Mod_rewrite

Dec 6, 2007

I am having trouble figuring this out.

I am receving this error in my error log:

[error] [client XX.xxx.XXX.x] Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace.
Now Earlier I had that ip keep accessing my server for an odd reason. So I used mod_rewrite to block its requests.

RewriteRule file /index.php [R=301,NC]
RewriteRule file2 /index.php [R=301,NC]
RewriteRule file3 /index.php [R=301,NC]
So I am convinced Errors I am getting with these are from bots that are not accepting the redirects?

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Can't Locate Crypt/CipherSaber.pm

May 13, 2009

i got this error on some of the sites on my server

the script company says it's something wrong with perl

Can't locate Crypt/CipherSaber.pm in @INC (@INC contains: Plugins Modules /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i686-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i686-linux /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at Modules/Session.pm line 283.

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Locate Large Files

Jul 7, 2008

I am trying to locate what large file are filling up the / on the server but I am having trouble using the find command to do this.

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What Country To Locate This VPN Server In

Oct 21, 2007

I am in the process of setting up a VPN server for a client who lives in a Middle Eastern country.

He will be using the VPN for all his internet surfing, email access, etc. (So the VPN will be his internet gateway. His local ISP connection will only be used to make the VPN connection.)

The majority of his internet surfing through the VPN will be to US websites.

Where is the best place to locate the VPN server? I have two datacenters available to choose from: USA or UK

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Can't Locate Local Spam Source

May 3, 2007

My server running and update CentOS 4.4. In the last hours lot of spam are being send form my server to the world. I'm unable to locate the source.
Sendmail is define to relay localhost, and it seems that the source is local!

It seem that all the email are send from apache@mydomain.com to user@mydomain.com
Sendmail is configure to accept for local delivery mail for domain mydomain.com
Here is trace of spam session:


May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: NOQUEUE: connect from mydomain.com []
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: AUTH: available mech=CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 PLAIN ANONYMOUS LOGIN, allowed mech=EXTERNAL GSSAPI KERBEROS_V4 DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: Milter: no active filter
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 220 mydomain.com ESMTP Sendmail 8.13.1/8.12.8; Thu, 3 May 2007 14:39:51 +0300
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: <-- EHLO mydomain.com
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-mydomain.com Hello mydomain.com [], pleased to meet you
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-PIPELINING
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-8BITMIME
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-SIZE
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-DSN
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-ETRN
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-AUTH DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250-DELIVERBY
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250 HELP
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: <-- MAIL From:<apache@mydomain.com> SIZE=133 AUTH=apache@mydomain.com
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: ruleset=trust_auth, arg1=apache@mydomain.com, relay=mydomain.com [], reject=550 5.7.1 <apache@mydomain.com>... not authenticated
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250 2.1.0 <apache@mydomain.com>... Sender ok
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: <-- RCPT To:<reports@mydomain.com>
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250 2.1.5 <reports@mydomain.com>... Recipient ok
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: <-- DATA
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: from=<apache@mydomain.com>, size=410, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<200705031139.l43BdpDW017695@mydomain.com>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=mydomain.com []
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg2017696: --- 250 2.0.0 l43Bdpg2017696 Message accepted for delivery
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg3017696: <-- QUIT
May 3 14:39:51 active sendmail[17696]: l43Bdpg3017696: --- 221 2.0.0 mydomain.com closing connection

It seems the spam message BCC contain a lot of victims address, that not from mydomain.

Is some one connect form outside and spoof ?

If it local process, ho do I locate it?

I scan /tmp and my web server root for suspicious file and didn't find nothing!

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Bash: Locate: Command Not Found

May 10, 2008

I have a problem with my server

when I do

locate ***

-bash: locate: command not found

& I did


-bash: updatedb: command not found

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Network Solutions - Locate Files Outside Of Doc Root

Apr 24, 2008

if anyone knew if with Network Solutions advanced hosting package on unix there was a way to store the documents outside of document root? If not is there a good way to secure a folder/files that is in the document root from users?

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Plesk 12.x / Windows :: MailEnable Locate Spammer

Nov 5, 2014

My System is a Windows Server 2012 r2 with Plesk 12.

On this system i have installed MailEnable as my Mailserver.

So at the moment something is spam on this server, but i can't find out who is it.

Received: from win02.XXXXXX([MY IP] helo=WIN02.home)
(envelope-from <root@XXXXXXXX>)
id 1XlyHP-00038b-R0
for x; Wed, 05 Nov 2014 11:57:37 +0100


The header is meaning that the spams come from root@, but there is no account with the name root@...

On linux it is so easy to find the spam with qmail or postfix. Why mailenable it is so difficult

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: File System Loop Detected

Sep 19, 2012

I do not know how this happened though. When I use find command on shell, I got the following error.

find: File system loop detected; `/var/named/chroot/var/named' is part of the same file system loop as `/var/named'.

It is minimal CentOS6.3 install with plesk 11.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: File System Loop Detected

Jun 28, 2015

in CENTOS 6.6 / PLESK 12 when I use the find command I get this notice:find: File system loop detected; "/var/named/chroot/var/named" is part of the same file system loop as "/var/named".

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Webstats Stuck In A Redirect Loop?

Mar 29, 2015

I am trying to access my web stats - AWStats is the one it is configured for.

But when I click to go to web stats a popup opens that gets stuck in a redirect loop so I cannot access them.

The url is right, like this, but with my domain : [URL]

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Plesk 11.x / Windows :: Redirect Loop When Login Into Client Panel

Jul 24, 2014

I have a problem with one of my Plesk Panels for windows (v. 11.5.30 Update #47). One of the clients is getting "Redirect loop" error when tries to login to his panel. The funny thing is that this is only happening to one account. I've tried to change subsriber for his subscription, but there was no result, since the same thing happend when I tried to login with the new subscriber's login.

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