What About Sagonet
Jun 8, 2008
I am planning to move from LT to a new hosting company. I found sagonet, they have a performance server deal which sounds good. I am planning to buy that one.
But i had some question in my mind and clicked Live Support choose Sales and click chat. Than it said
You are connected to .... from Sales
And i asked i have question about their performance server about price of ram and i got an answer like. Please send a mail to sales@sagonet bla bla and i said but aren't you a sale agent and i got an answer like no it is Technical Support.
I double checked and it was Sales support. This is a bit awkward.
It is not a good point as a potential customer, anyway i would like to get your comments and reviews about sagonet. Or i will try to find different hosting.
The deal is i need bandwith around 3 tb or more so it is hard to find a good deal.
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Jul 21, 2008
I recently did some searches of Google & WHT to locate every colo facility I could find in Florida. My goal was to locate a provider who possesses an abundance of Level(3) bandwidth (first and foremost; however, someone who was well backed-up with several other major routes as well).
To test, I did traceroutes from every major lookingglass server, and packet-monitored every colo facility I had found (I believe this was 22 facilities). Many that claimed they were multi-homed, yet I'm not sure how, as no matter which lookingglass I took, I would always come through Cogent. In fact, it seems that roughly 65% of all FL colo, pushes a lot of Cogent bandwith. Now, I'm not knocking Cogent, but if you aren't truly running BGP4 with even weighting on all of your carriers, then I don't believe you should market yourself as being truly "multi-homed".
Two companies emerged stronger than others. Hostway & SagoNet. Both has significantly lower latency, for extended periods, than any other facility in Florida. I started by calling Hostway, because I was more familiar with them. They were exactly the opposite of what I was seeking... They were a "template fix-in-a-box" company. I needed to install VoIP PBX's and due to licensing, I needed them installed directly from the .ISO, rather than off the basic OS, then PBX secondary.
Much to my surprise, SagoNet appeared to do everything I could hope for. Better yet, I spent a couple hours on the phone with their tech people, and I was never charged a dime. Basically every question I asked was "sure, we can do that." Sort of the opposite, of my experience dealing with NOC employees. Now, that's not to cut-down NOC employees; that's just my personal, limited experience.
I was absolutely shocked that the company who had the best bandwidth (SagoNet) also appeared to be the most flexible! I immediately went on to check their pricing against others. Their dedicated pricing was in-line with some of the best budget hosts out there. Their colo pricing; however, was quite a bit more expensive.
In my case, our colo-needs did not require exceptionally good bandwidth, so I would up buying a rack in a Cogent DC which I'm famliar with (Boca Raton) for $700/month. There is nothing wrong with the bandwidth, it's just that like most Cogent DC's you'r limited to Cogent unless you buy a cross in a Carrier Neutral sitaution.
With my colo in-place... I still wanted to find out whether SagoNet could meet their claims. Whether they truly were as flexible as they claimed.
I was again pleasantly surprised... SagoNet went over-and-above the call of duty and I am here posting because I was absolutely amazed -- and I want to share this with others who are in need of very flexible, very positive, helpful colo employees -- from a company who also maintains very good bandwidth.
In short, SagoNet agreed to move my servers into a "cluster" where I could setup my own topology (dedicating my own switch, placing a firewall setup in front of my dedicated boxes and my private switch, etc). It was literally done overnight, once I had sent a network map.
They custom installed pfSense (firewall application) for me, and they custom installed our PBX software from an .ISO. They never once complained about the custom work, charged me extra, etc.
I am now up-and-running with VoIP through a firewall on SagoNet, and I am absolutely shocked to learn that, in addition to everything else, it's literally the best quality I've experienced yet. Of course, time will tell (it's only been a week); however, I've had a packet monitor on them the entire week and I haven't lost a single packet and I don't average more than 4ms jitter, which is tremendous in VoIP (and far more than you'd ever be concerned with for non-real-time traffic, such as HTTP, SMTP, etc).
I don't normally invest this much time to post such things; however, this company went so far above and beyond the call of duty, and was so significantly better than others I've dealt with, I felt it was worth my time to sign-up and let others know. In summary, I found their network quality to be perfect (no lost packets yet), their dedicated pricing to be excellent, their colo pricing to be semi-competitive (but not the best you'll find), their service to be better than any other company I've dealt with, their response time to be FAR better than any other cmpany I've dealt with (usually less than 10 minutes via ticketing system), and their flexibility simply unparalleled.
My representative is: Shawn Bray; the tech's I've spoken/worked with include: Drew, Kyle, Mike, and Pete.
The only disclaimer I can offer, is that I have been hosting for just over a week. While in my opinion, this is the most critical time (the setup/initial problems), I don't want to mislead anyone. I will return to update people once I've had more experience with uptime/latency/etc.
After roughly 60+ hours researching, I hope my experience and review helps save others some time!
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Jul 18, 2008
which DC you'd choose from burst, sagonet, tranxact and theplanet?
I tried searching the forums, but there's not much about sagonet and tranxact.
I know theplanet pretty well (use them for the last 3 years) and they're just fine... but they're more expensive than the other 3, so I'm only choosing TP if I don't fell confortable with the others there're some complains about burst, but I know a piece of a client base will complain anywhere, so not sure I should cut them out
my main concerns if uptime and fast tech support (specially reboot/hardware)... I can take care of software problems, as long as I have a working SSH
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