Plesk And Hotlink Protection

Sep 27, 2007

I have a plesk panel and i had a look for hotlink protection but unfortunately couldn`t find the proper option.

I guess there is a hotlink protection at windows version of plesk but not at linux one. I have a linux server.

Also i have a question about hotlinks also, one of my customer has a site that it uses too much bandwith like 600 gb at a month. It is an education related site and site is html.

And i am having some high load issues. When i check apache-status it shows %90 of the connections for that site. But i cant be sure that if it site really makes high load on server because like i told site is html. Also would like to know if server get s load for example if visitor wants to download something from site.

Because visitors are usually downloading zip, mp3 and those kind of files and i dont know if that many download cause the high load.

Also will it reduce the load of the server if i put hotlink protection to that site because of chance for other sites to leech files from this site?

Edit : If there isn`t any option for hotlink protection at Plesk panel how can i enable hotlink protection. Maybe using htaccess, but i would be glad if you can provide hotlink protection code also

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Hotlink Protection Allow Myself

Aug 15, 2007

Is there a way to enable hotlink protection so that when I edit a page from my computer the pictures from the server display from my server but my site is still protected from other hotlinking. My intent is to make it easier for someone to edit there page.(i know I could just reupload image files but I was trying to think of a way to make it easier for someone else) I thought adding my ip address to the cpanel hotlink protection enabler would do the trick but it hasn't.

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Selective Hotlink Protection

Jun 2, 2008

Does anybody know which rules should be used to allow hotlinking of files with *_thumb* in their file name and block hotlink of all other files?

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Hotlink Protection For Zip And Rar Files

Apr 28, 2008

One of the sites at my server is using over resource and causing slowdown to other sites. Because even i am still waiting for my in/out traffic graph, i guess leechers are giving link to those files from other websites and directly downloading from my server.

As a result, site is using around 1.5 tb of bandwith. It was not a big issue before but now server connection is 10 mbps, it was 100 mbps at old server.

So we have 2 options at this point, upgrading connection or activating hotlink for files.

But i donīt really know how to protect .zip and .rar files being downloaded from other sites by direct link to file. I tried hot link protection at cpanel. It is working well for image files, but when i add zip and rar files to protection list, nothing changed. I can still download the file by clicking direct link from other site.

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Hotlink Protection With Nginx

Jul 24, 2008

does anyone on this forum know how to do a referral check to prevent hot linking to files that are on a nginx server? There is this regex code you use but I don't know how to put it together. how to do it on nginx using their rewrite module?

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Playing With Hotlink Protection Settings

Jan 24, 2008

The proxy script I've got installed has been playing up and now it shows something like this

I was playing with some hotlink protection settings etc which I cant fix now.

Anyone know how to get this fixed?

I can run exactly the same script under a different account on the same VPS without any issues.

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HotLink Protection Doesn't Work With IE

May 12, 2008

i tried to create .htaccess file to protect hotlinking ; it's worked perfect with Firefox but can't work with IE. Here's my .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine on

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthUserFile www est.htpasswd

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url] [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url] [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url] [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^[url] [NC]
RewriteRule .*.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|zip)$ [url] [R,NC]

If using Firefox and download a .zip file from my site it'll work but if use Internet Explore it'll only download redirect html file instead.

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HotLink Protection In CPanel.. Understanding The Wording Correctly

Jan 24, 2008

I am setting up the HotLinking access in cPanel for one of my accounts and don't understand the wording of this section.

It first has the list where you put in the domains that you want to allow hotlinking for.

Then below that it has an input that says, "Extensions to allow:". For this input, does that mean extensions to allow for EVERYONE, or just the domains listed in the section above?

You think they'd be clearer on that in the documentation, but they aren't. Help on this is greatly appreciated.

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Hotlink Protection For Streams From Windows Media Server

Jan 14, 2008

Has any body had experience with the different solutions available for protection your video/audio stream hosted on windows media server. We are planning on launching Media hosting services and are currently considering Video quota to protect clients streams. If there is any other solution,

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Unable To Set Protection On Directories

Jul 6, 2015

After I've upgraded Plesk 1.0.18 to latest version, I'm unable to set protection on directories. Plesk say it is set, but it is not. I can access protected directory without pop-up of login-details. Old protected directories work, but for new one added not working anymore. I also tried by conventional way adding .htaccess and .htpasswd files to the directory, but it does not apply either.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Maximize Spam Protection

Oct 22, 2014

I have 5 Linux Plesk 12 servers, and I use Spamassassin, usually at a sensitivity of 2 or 3, I also use the following DNS

Blackhole lists: zen. spamhaus. org;b.;;;;

But all of this seems to have minimal effect. I examine spam that comes through which looks very obviously like spam, but Spamassassin gives it a very low score, usually in the negative numbers.

Is SA just not as effective as I thought? Seems like if Gmail, etc can filter spam so effectively, then why can't SA? If there's something I'm not doing right, or what you all do to combat spam with Plesk 12.

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Protection From Outgoing Spam - Error

Jul 3, 2014

I have some error when the new outgoing spam protection (limitation for outgoing mail) is enabled. Mail clients are unable to use SMTP for sending mails. "My mail client says: The message could not be sent. You are not allowed to use sendmail utility."

I don't undestand the blocking behaviour since the checkbox "Allow scripts and users to use Sendmail" is checked and no limit is exeeded.This is the relevant log part of maillog:


Jul 3 00:44:36 srv01 postfix/smtpd[3326]: C0E5182A20:[46.128.x.x], sasl_method=CRAM-MD5,
Jul 3 00:44:36 srv01 postfix/cleanup[3331]: C0E5182A20: message-id=<>
Jul 3 00:44:37 srv01 /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/psa-pc-remote[3280]: handlers_stderr: DATA REPLY:554:[B]5.7.0 The message could not be sent. You are not allowed to use sendmail utility.[/B] REJECT
Jul 3 00:44:37 srv01 /usr/lib/plesk-9.0/psa-pc-remote[3280]: REJECT during call 'limit-out' handler
Jul 3 00:44:37 srv01 postfix/cleanup[3331]: C0E5182A20: milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from[46.128.x.x]: 5.7.0 The message could not be sent. You are not allowed to use sendmail utility.; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<[]>
Jul 3 00:44:37 srv01 postfix/smtpd[3326]: disconnect from[46.128.x.x]

Moreover I disabled the line "non_smtpd_milters" in postfix main.conf since my server has same issues discribed in the following thread:
Postfix: mails sent through sendmail binary are blocked because of wrong HELO

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Bulk Switch On Antivirus Protection For All Mailboxes?

Mar 11, 2015

Is there a command to turn on antivirus for all mailboxes without having to enter each mailbox and update manually. I have over 800 mailboxes which need updating,

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Spam Protection Based On DNS Blackhole Lists

Jan 11, 2015

I have configured the DNS zones for DNSBL service as follows;


but I continue to to get spam from ip adressess that are confirmed as blacklisted at the above zones by testing them at [URL] ...

Is there something that I have missed in the config.

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Plesk 11.x / Linux :: Passport Protection For Stat Folder Is Not Enabled

Aug 15, 2014

Today when I visited my plesk-stat folder, I saw that it is publicly available. Everyone can see the stats.

Is not this folder supposed to be protected by password as default?

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Plesk 12.x / Linux :: Switch On Spam Protection Based On DNS Blackhole Lists

Aug 25, 2014

When this option is enabled on the Mail Server Settings page, the page loads with the bottom of the page in focus and not the top.

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Oct 24, 2007

I use .htaccess to protect hotlinking of photos on one of my sites and it works well. I am having a problem with a myspace kid. About a year ago he tried to hotlink to a photo on my site but screwed up the html so its looking for a file that isn't there.
In the beginning I figure he would fix it, hasn't happened. I sent him a message asking him to fix it, he hasn't.
Im tired of his myspace traffic showing up in my error logs.

The file name his site is looking for is PeterForsberg.jpg%3E%3C/img%3E%3C/td%3E%3C/tr%3E%3Cscript%20language=

I dont know how to format an entry into .htaccess to get his screwed up code to display my hotlink image.

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Hotlink Momery Used +80%

Aug 3, 2008

I have got the problem that before 3 days some body who's site traffic is very high hotlink some images from my site which cause my server memory and bandwidth using too much due to that my server not working properly and extreme slow.

I have then immediately protect the Hotlink after that my bandwidth is not using more but the images which he has hotlink their request are coming too much and continued and my server still busy on that request and due to that server memory is still using too much.

I have checked it from top command and cpanel and apache status here I have found that Nobody user are hitting too much and using my server memory on alarming stage in cpanel CPU/Memory/MySQL Usage shows nobody used +90% memory. I have also checked it on top command nobody user PID and I have match it with the apache status from cpanel then I have come to know that the request are coming from same site for hotlink images and these are using my server memory too much.

I have also block that site from htaccess but still these requesting coming continually.

Now my bandwidth is using normally but memory is still using very +80% much after doing all these action mentioned above. So, kindly tell me how can I block the requests coming from the site who hotlink images so that I can control my server memory to normal position.

Following are my top command and server information.

Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 1.86GHz with 1 GB Ram
WHM 11.23.2 cPanel 11.23.4
CENTOS Enterprise 5.2 i686
Server Version: Apache/2.0.63
Php 5.2
msql 4.1

top - 19:19:18 up 1 day, 4:13, 1 user, load average: 0.11, 0.33, 0.34
Tasks: 557 total, 2 running, 555 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 4.6%us, 0.5%sy, 0.0%ni, 94.2%id, 0.7%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1033788k total, 1010136k used, 23652k free, 17328k buffers
Swap: 2096472k total, 139776k used, 1956696k free, 276248k cached

2457 mysql 17 0 294m 138m 2356 S 1 13.7 59:40.07 mysqld
10772 nobody 15 0 36136 19m 3836 S 0 1.9 0:00.85 httpd
10787 nobody 15 0 36120 19m 3824 S 0 1.9 0:00.92 httpd
11346 nobody 18 0 36244 19m 3788 S 0 1.9 0:00.65 httpd ....

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1and1 For Use As A Hotlink Host?

Mar 20, 2009

Does anyone have experiences with using 1and1 shared servers as a hotlink host?

I see they have a $4.99 plan that includes 120GB diskspace and 1200GB bandwidth.

To rehash my other thread (, I'm looking for a separate hosting account to store/hotlink some FLV files that will be used by my client's websites on other servers.

For those of you with experience with 1and1:

How much bandwidth/diskspace did you use?
Did your account ever get suspended for resource/bandwidth usage?
If so, how much were you using of what you were supposedly promised?
What was the performance of their shared servers?
Did you ever have a problem with downloads timing-out?
Look, I'm under no illusion that any company is going to let me use $100 worth of bandwidth for only $5 a month, but I'm not looking to use the whole 1200GB.
At most, I could see myself using less than half (~500GB) of what is offered in their package.
So from those with the experience, what is the verdict on using 1and1 in this manner?

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How To Hotlink Images In Forum

Dec 4, 2008

How to hotlink images in forum?

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Hotlink Prevention Scripts

May 21, 2008

if anyone knows a script that is url rewrite mods that can fix this hotlink issue by having the link url change every 20 minute.

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How To Pretect Hotlink On Lighttpd Server

Jan 25, 2008

I found someone can use the following script. But I dont know where to put those script. Is it in htaccess like apache?

$HTTP["referer"] !~ "^($|[url]
$HTTP["referer"] !~ "^($|[url]
url.redirect = (
"(/.*.(JPG|jpe?g|png|gif))$" => [url]

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DDoS Protection Providers Vs DDoS Protection Scripts

Oct 8, 2009

I am looking for some good ddos protection providers, via protected dns. I've searched on internet, but most of them are really expensive.

Please tell me some ddos protection providers what could help me.(gige is too expensive btw).

And I found some ddos protection scripts. How can a script protected a server from ddos? A sript like CSF or DDoS deflate?

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Ddos Protection/ Different Ip's

Apr 16, 2009

Hey guys If there was a way to have the ips of the dedi change constantly would this help prevent ddos attacks or would there be no difference if the domain was being attacked.

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DDos Protection.

May 25, 2009

i'am looking for a software based ddos protection,some one know something for try to mitigate a ddos or help to get the server rock a solid?And i need to know too where i change the DNS(vhost) of my DEDICATED server.

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DDoS Protection ...?

Sep 24, 2009

so a guy I know runs a site, it's being hit very hard with a DDoS attack. He's spending about 500 /month to keep his site online. He's using ServerTech, but for the last few days, it's been offline and they have been non-responsive for the most part. I'm guessing they just don't know what to do.

Do you guys have any recommendations for any DDoS protected hosting? He doesn't really want to pay more, if he doesn't have to.

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Layer 2-4 DoS Protection

Apr 5, 2009

What exactly does the DoS protection layer 2-4?

in which attacks are successful.?

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Syn Flood Protection

Jul 25, 2008

one of my server were hit by massive ddos syn atack. target was port 80-apache

i am running centos 5 in xen vps iptables were strong with syn filtering and limit
but...what can do?

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Irc Vps With Ddos Protection

May 6, 2008

if any of you could recomened a ddos prottected vps that allows ircd to be run im curentley in process of waiting for setup from sharktek but there slow response /setup time is making me wonder if its worth it please post your recommendations here then i can start my own reasearch from your list

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Network Protection

Jun 20, 2008

As we prepare to ramp up new networks, we are looking at different network attack protection devices such as Intruguard.

I am interested in input on other devices out there, or ideas using devices to protect against flood attacks and DDOS on a network that is under a gig in speed (100-200 Mbps).

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DDoS Protection Or Not

Apr 24, 2008

Is bound to happen to my server one day or another (get attacked). So I need help deciding whether to get a DDoS protection server now or later. Or pay as I go (I'll explain this in a bit).

First of all I am considering getting this because I want to use this server to hide the real source where people are downloading from. People connect only through FTP server and download. Of course if I give the real IP away I am subject to attack at anytime from anyone.

I think if I buy a server somewhere else and have people connect to there then that server will connect to the real server if I was to get attacked the server I bought "somewhere" else would only get attacked which would or would not be protected by a that special company who protects for these kind of things.

Only downside so far is I have been able to have the method above done. A person connects from one server which connects to the real server they will be downloading from BUT I use up to 2x bandwidth. Because when someone requests a file from server A...server B sends to server A then sends back to the user requesting it. A process that well works but anyone know if instead of sending back to Server A it will go directly to the user without exposing any info on the real server?

When I meant "pay as you go" I mean have a server with a DDoS protection company but don't get any protection until it happens rather than waiting on the last minute before switching to them (like adding new users now but those users knowing the real source).

These "users" downloading do about 106GB average. So you can see how big a downside is having to use 2x of bandwidth from the method I know above. The companies I am on do not have DDoS protection that I know of so I am forced to look for external companies to use to connect to the real source.

-So far everyone knows the real source IP but that is because I trust them. Anyone else is waiting to get on it and me looking for ways to put them on.

//hopefully you enjoyed my big paragraphs.

-And what kind of "protection" would I need if only FTP is being used since there is "specialized" kind of filtering on attacks.

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